Weight loss pre liver transplant

Posted by jmp1234 @jmp1234, Mar 14, 2024

I am on the UNOS waiting list for the liver transplant. Paracentis is every 2 weeks with high volume (8-10 liters). I've been on a steady, slow,weight loss for several months. 3-4lbs every 2 months. I am doing 100gms plus protein daily as nutritionist directed. Mayo in jacksonville is where I will be for transplant. I need to get my weight going the other way asap . Any one have experience with this? Thanks

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@jmp1234, I want to be sure I'm understanding correctly. The weight loss you are experiencing is unwanted weight loss and you're looking for tips on how to increase or maintain a healthy weight as you prepare for liver transplant. Do I have that right?


@jmp1234, I want to be sure I'm understanding correctly. The weight loss you are experiencing is unwanted weight loss and you're looking for tips on how to increase or maintain a healthy weight as you prepare for liver transplant. Do I have that right?

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Correct a mundo 🙂 Yes you are correct. My goal is back to 170# or so. I'm going to reach out to my nutritionist at Mayo Jacksonville as well, but this wonderful forum provides a patient centric and experience feedback. Thank you for responding.


Correct a mundo 🙂 Yes you are correct. My goal is back to 170# or so. I'm going to reach out to my nutritionist at Mayo Jacksonville as well, but this wonderful forum provides a patient centric and experience feedback. Thank you for responding.

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@jmp1234, I am a liver and kidney recipient, and I lost weight during my liver failure while I was waiting for a transplant. I also had nausea which made eating to maintain a healthy weight difficult to do. My local GI encouraged me to ‘at least’ drink Ensure and to add ice cream. Later when I was at Mayo with kidney failure and dialysis, I had a limited diet that was directed by the kidney team. While it is important to eat and maintain a healthy body prior to transplant, weight gain might not be possible. I am happy to hear that you will contact the nutritionist at the Mayo in FL.
Did you know that weight loss happens with liver failure?
Will you let me know what you find out? Are you within driving distance?


@jmp1234, I am a liver and kidney recipient, and I lost weight during my liver failure while I was waiting for a transplant. I also had nausea which made eating to maintain a healthy weight difficult to do. My local GI encouraged me to ‘at least’ drink Ensure and to add ice cream. Later when I was at Mayo with kidney failure and dialysis, I had a limited diet that was directed by the kidney team. While it is important to eat and maintain a healthy body prior to transplant, weight gain might not be possible. I am happy to hear that you will contact the nutritionist at the Mayo in FL.
Did you know that weight loss happens with liver failure?
Will you let me know what you find out? Are you within driving distance?

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I got new nutritionist direction and feedback. Reapplying myself to 110gms protein and 2200 calories daily. I am aware of weight issues and my acetise probably has a lot to do with it. Journaling my nutrition on the daily again and adding weight gain protein powder again. A loving caregiver and food nerd like me is very fortunate. Thanks for your kind reply and any further experience, strength, and hope on this is encouraged. 🙂


We live in NW Florida. Although I know it may not be possible to a serious weight gain at this point, my partner and I are fighters and positive people and are in this for the full run. Thank you.

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