Oral lichen Planus: What home remedies or medications help you?

Posted by lovebug61 @lovebug61, Apr 4, 2019

Anyone in the group suffer from Oral Lichen Planus. I am at my wits end with all these erosive sores in my mouth. I've had two biopsies , one in the inside cheek and one under the side of my tongue. The spot under the tongue is extremely sore to touch and has been for over a year. It scares me because the soreness never goes away, sometimes it isn't as sore but nothing helps. Any home remedies for this dreadful condition?

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Hi when I was diagnosed with oral lichen planus I did a little homework on mouth rinses and toothpaste and what not so I thought maybe I’d tell you a couple of my helpful hints that work for me and each person is unique and you know you could just ask your doctor and try something out if it doesn’t work just try something else. The one thing that I learned is do not use a toothpaste that has sodium lauryl sulfate in it it can irritate your gums you .You can also look it up on the Internet Google it. when I started looking at toothpaste I noticed that most of them or a lot of them had this sodium lauryl sulfate in it. The toothpaste that works the best for me was Sensodyne pro enamel alpine breeze gentle whitening toothpaste. I use an oral rinse that is called crest prohealth clean mint alcohol free oral rinse twice a day. Whenever I brush which unfortunately I only do twice a day and I do the salt water rinse at lunchtime in the middle I always brush very very lightly any area that is in pain . my very best wishes to you!!!


If it were me and the situation is hurting my profession I would want to get as much help from people that really know what they’re doing as possible I would probably want to follow the referral of my oral surgeon and go to the University of Pennsylvania as he most likely recommended the university of Pennsylvania because he felt that they could help you with your situation with your lips.


Hi Group,
i have been suffering with OLP since Nov-23. i was reading the comments & some one has mentioned about Lyderm gel, can we apply it for OLP . its topical ointment isn't it ? Any risk when we use it for OLP ?


Hi Group,
i have been suffering with OLP since Nov-23. i was reading the comments & some one has mentioned about Lyderm gel, can we apply it for OLP . its topical ointment isn't it ? Any risk when we use it for OLP ?

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@harishau I couldn’t find who mentioned Lyderm either, but I did find this from the National Institutes of Health which talks about best treatments.
I hope this will help!


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Hi Group,
i have been suffering with OLP since Nov-23. i was reading the comments & some one has mentioned about Lyderm gel, can we apply it for OLP . its topical ointment isn't it ? Any risk when we use it for OLP ?

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I have OLP also. In addition I have Esophageal Lichen Planus and Lichen Planus lesions on my legs etc...
I use the gel. It is a numbing gel.
I apply it in my mouth by putting a large drop on my finger and put it on lesions and sensitive areas. I do not swallow the gel.
The numbness lasts a short bit. It's a relief of of discomfort.
I also use Dexamethasone steroidal rinse This can only be used periodically for 10 days.
I don't swallow the solution.
Take care!🥰


I was just diagnosed with Lichen Planus in my gums! My gums get very swollen and sore. I had 2 biopsies on my gums to confirm this is what I have. A pharmacy is making a special rinse for my mouth next week, hoping it will work. I have had issues with my mouth for the last 5 years, burning on the outside and breaking out in severe rashes. ENT said it wasn't " burning mouth syndrome" the next time I saw him, he said" so for your burning mouth syndrome" ! He wanted to give me an anxiety drug, still don't know if it is burning mouth syndrome. Is there a test they can do for this ? Dermatologist said it was " peri oral dermatitis" , second dermatologist said it was " allergic contact dermatitis" ! They don't know if Lichen planus and the issue with my mouth are connected. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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@smoir in my experience with lichen planus - which I have had for several years but it was only diagnosed in recent years - I find eating any kinds of mushrooms triggers my condition, as does stress.

Perhaps you could try to avoid mushrooms (even mushroom gravy) to see if it makes a difference …? I get very annoyed at people who shrug and say, “just pick them off!” when something with mushrooms on it (e.g., pizza). They don’t realize that the food item is already “contaminated” by the mushrooms so simply picking them off does not work.


I have OLP also. In addition I have Esophageal Lichen Planus and Lichen Planus lesions on my legs etc...
I use the gel. It is a numbing gel.
I apply it in my mouth by putting a large drop on my finger and put it on lesions and sensitive areas. I do not swallow the gel.
The numbness lasts a short bit. It's a relief of of discomfort.
I also use Dexamethasone steroidal rinse This can only be used periodically for 10 days.
I don't swallow the solution.
Take care!🥰

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Thank you Sadea


@smoir in my experience with lichen planus - which I have had for several years but it was only diagnosed in recent years - I find eating any kinds of mushrooms triggers my condition, as does stress.

Perhaps you could try to avoid mushrooms (even mushroom gravy) to see if it makes a difference …? I get very annoyed at people who shrug and say, “just pick them off!” when something with mushrooms on it (e.g., pizza). They don’t realize that the food item is already “contaminated” by the mushrooms so simply picking them off does not work.

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Thank you Rashida


Hi Group,
i have been suffering with OLP since Nov-23. i was reading the comments & some one has mentioned about Lyderm gel, can we apply it for OLP . its topical ointment isn't it ? Any risk when we use it for OLP ?

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@harishau I was the one who posted about Lyderm gel. It is a topical gel, but my pharmacist said it can also be an off label use for lichen planus inside the mouth.

I take a pea size amount on my finger and rub it on to the sore areas of my mouth. I leave it on for a minute and spit out. Don’t rinse mouth. And don’t eat anything for at least an hour after application.

Wash hands after using it.

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