Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Posted by rabbit10 @rabbit10, Apr 9, 2016

Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

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Hello…I’ve had neuropathy for 7 yrs and am considered pre diabetic…a1c floating in 5.8-6.2 range. Drs haven’t suggested metformin. What was your A1c prior to meds? Can you tell if the metformin has had any effect on your neuropathy?


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the berberine (which in some studies has worked even better than metformin and, arguably, has fewer side effects, though I think both are good) did lower my fasting glucose and brought down my a1c a bit...I am going in for as two hour glucose test soon and will see what that says. In general A1c is not as very good test. The latest data indicate that a properly administered fasting 1 hour glucose test finds far more cases of pre-diabetes and diabetes than any of the other tests but it is not so easy to find this test. The glucose load has to be adjusted accordingly, etc. Typically people take 1500 mg of berberine a day in three divided (500 mg) doses. The most reported side effect is constipation which in most cases resolves within a few weeks at most; it did for me.


I am an 80 year old Vietnam Veteran with severe PN and it is getting worse moving up from feet to hips and fingers up arms and into neck. I have tried just about everything and all kinds of "sneak oils" to no avail. I am la very lucky man to have met the love of my life and best friend for the last 38 years so I am ready when the Lord calls on me. I will never understand all the pain and suffering some people go through, so consider myself to be a very very lucky man!!! Good luck to everyone and hope someone might come up with something that might, at least help with pain!! I have tired Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Flexotine, and am highly allergic to all opiates so use Arrica Montana that helps some. Semper Fi.


I don't know what your neuropathy is caused by.
I have found out a lot of my pain is from PAD
peripheral artery disease
Not diabetic ,but feet burn like crazy and walking is very very uncomfortable
This blew me away, it's worth a try
Going to start tomorrow

Cannot leave a link, but going to YOUTUBE
Dark Chocolate and Peripheral Artery Disease with Mary McDermott, MD


I am an 80 year old Vietnam Veteran with severe PN and it is getting worse moving up from feet to hips and fingers up arms and into neck. I have tried just about everything and all kinds of "sneak oils" to no avail. I am la very lucky man to have met the love of my life and best friend for the last 38 years so I am ready when the Lord calls on me. I will never understand all the pain and suffering some people go through, so consider myself to be a very very lucky man!!! Good luck to everyone and hope someone might come up with something that might, at least help with pain!! I have tired Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Flexotine, and am highly allergic to all opiates so use Arrica Montana that helps some. Semper Fi.

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Please check out “Nerve Doctors” on you tube for PN. They explain the difference between regular B-6 and P-5-P.


My peripheral neuropathy is caused by CMT. It’s inherited. There are lots of resources on the internet about it.


I am an 80 year old Vietnam Veteran with severe PN and it is getting worse moving up from feet to hips and fingers up arms and into neck. I have tried just about everything and all kinds of "sneak oils" to no avail. I am la very lucky man to have met the love of my life and best friend for the last 38 years so I am ready when the Lord calls on me. I will never understand all the pain and suffering some people go through, so consider myself to be a very very lucky man!!! Good luck to everyone and hope someone might come up with something that might, at least help with pain!! I have tired Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Flexotine, and am highly allergic to all opiates so use Arrica Montana that helps some. Semper Fi.

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You may want to try low dose Naltrexone. It helped me with pain.


I’m in a medical cannabis state and I found cannabis concentrate BID “rice grain dose” (RSO dosing) wipes the bee sting nerve damage away.
My dura was cut with CSF leak during a 7 1/2 hour 360 spinal fusion with 2 artificial discs implanted L4-5.
For some reason they felt not saying anything would mean I wouldn’t notice. I had a giant abscess in my 8 month post op mri and my flapping foot at the appointment quickly.
Bee sting sensation sprung up the next year.
Nobody will take on another’s errors.


Thanks again John I will ask about the patch. Do you also have heavy legs and clumsiness.<br />
My doc tells me to walk but I feel so weak I don't walk straight. Clumsy like I was drunk. So I do t walk do you get any form of exercise?<br />
<br />

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I have been on a fentanyl patch for 15 years due to a failed neck surgery. I have been cut down from 75mcg every 3 days to a 12mcg and a 25mcg. It still helps me but not as well. I have neuropathy that effects my calves and feet. I also have a type of neuropathy that effects my central nervous system and has wrecked my blood pressure. It is always dangerously low. Lately it has been really low and I have to take midodrine 5mg twice a day and sometimes 3 times. It makes me very dizzy and then everything goes white and I will passout if I don't get to the floor and sit down. If I can't I will fall. It also effects my temperature control. I am either cold or hot. No normal. Does anyone else have this? It is very scary. But back to the fentanyl patch they help alot and I have never had any side effects. The lower dose is a dissapointment for all my pain. Why do the doctors treat us like we are drug addicts when we don't abuse them and they help? The opioid crisis is not from people who are under a doctors care. Why do we have to suffer because the drug addicts abuse them and overdose on them? I don't even feel any different when I'm on them, I just don't have as much pain. It's really not fair to us that need them for horrible pain.


I don’t abuse my (2) 10 mg Oxycodone BID, that I take simultaneously with Theraplant 360X cannabis concentrate capsule, but I’m still reading “chronic,” next to my portal medication column.
Why isn’t my Synthroid labeled as “chronic?” I have to take that forever…what about BP meds or any other med that’s forever?
Smear campaign that narcissists use against us.
I’m taking the least amount of pain medication ever now that CT., has legal medical cannabis program.
The pharmacists are owners of CT dispensaries, so they will sit with you to hear what you have, and recommend products and various routes. Without it, I might have headed to Vermont to drink the “death with dignity,” potion.
I’m sorry your pain doc got “tapped”, for helping people in agony. You must be so frustrated and in pain.
Try and talk to a dispensary pharmacist to guide you.
Good luck -


I saw a neurologist last week for EMG and no surprise I have idiopathic PN; big surprise, not!
He did suggest taking alpha lipoic acid and acetly-L carntine. Both of these reduce oxidative stress and improve nerve health. Does it work? Seems to help some people but but I figure it can't hurt to give it a try.
Has anyone else used this combination? Any suggestions as to dosage?

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Just an fyi if anyone has thyroid problems alpha liposuction acid lowers your thyroid levels. I have experienced that problem and had to quit.The doctors couldn’t stabilize my thyroid levels on it. My pharmacist gave me a print out on the drug. I could not find it in my area. It also affects your blood pressure medication.

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