overwhelmed by so much (often conflicting) info on natural approaches

Posted by swuelfing1 @swuelfing1, Dec 3, 2023

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else feels overwhelmed when researching what to do about dealing with osteoporosis naturally. There is so much good info out there which is great. It's just that often it gets sooo detailed such as in the area of supplements that it gets confusing or just overwhelming to decide what to do and narrow it down to a feasible plan. Also there are certain topics that there's controversy about - like yes/no on dairy, if dairy then which dairy, oxylates?, correct exercise? correct supplements, too much calcium? As you research you find several very credible and trustworthy resources who still disagree on so many topics. You could endlessly research and go down rabbitholes on every topic. Has anyone figured out any strategies to keep things manageable and decide what to do?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Apparently those of us with osteoporosis are best to avoid oxalates or cut back on them because "oxalates bind to calcium as they leave the body". Also a problem for kidney stones.
Problem is I love a lot of those foods. My daughters call me "Almond Mom" for being a bit of a health freak and eating yogurt and almonds every day. LOL
So, I have cut out kale and spinach, eating less beans. Less almonds. I might switch to walnuts if they are a better choice (more research needed). I LOVE almond butter, maybe I should switch to peanut butter or another nut butter.
Cutting back on grains is a work in progress as well.
To be continued....
Has anyone else found some nut and/or nut butter alternatives?
I should mention that I am seeing a naturopathic doctor in 3 weeks time. My MD has so very little time for me with 10 minute appointments and only allowed one health concern per visit! I will have 1.5 hours with the ND, pretty excited about that. It's my first time seeing a Naturopathic doctor, I'll ask for info on oxalates.

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Be sure to post back after you see your naturopath ("medical care" is a myth in this country especially if you are "seasoned"). I am also sad about almonds and CHIA seeds! Who knew?


It’s my understanding to not take calcium or other bone building supplements at the same time you may eat anything with oxalates. That’s what I’ve been doing as I love nuts, spinach, almond butter. My last dexascan, I didn’t get worse. Test showed no significant changes. I considered that a win and so did my doctor. Hoping next scan will show improvement.


Be sure to post back after you see your naturopath ("medical care" is a myth in this country especially if you are "seasoned"). I am also sad about almonds and CHIA seeds! Who knew?

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Will do! I'm in BC, Canada. ND's are pretty popular here. 🙂



I watched a you tube video with Irma just yesterday! I think that's why oxalates are in the front of my mind. I had just made beets for calcium from an OP recipe to hear her say they are really high in oxalates. I hardly know what to eat anymore.

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I watched it too, she looks pretty amazing for 70!
I found her link to free printable charts of foods with oxalates. You need a colour printer though as they are colour coded and shades of grey doesn't cut it.


It’s my understanding to not take calcium or other bone building supplements at the same time you may eat anything with oxalates. That’s what I’ve been doing as I love nuts, spinach, almond butter. My last dexascan, I didn’t get worse. Test showed no significant changes. I considered that a win and so did my doctor. Hoping next scan will show improvement.

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calcium and to a lesser extent magnesium bind with oxalates rendering both impotent. It could be advantageous to take calcium with oxalates to bind the oxalates. Take calcium several hours to ascertain that your body is absorbing enough active calcium. Magnesium needs a 12 hour distance between oxalates. Vitamin D increases the absorption of oxalates. A two hour window before is good for D3.


It’s my understanding to not take calcium or other bone building supplements at the same time you may eat anything with oxalates. That’s what I’ve been doing as I love nuts, spinach, almond butter. My last dexascan, I didn’t get worse. Test showed no significant changes. I considered that a win and so did my doctor. Hoping next scan will show improvement.

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Congratulations on "no significant changes" on your last dexa. Did you take any pharmaceuticals?


Congratulations on "no significant changes" on your last dexa. Did you take any pharmaceuticals?

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Thank you! No pharmaceuticals at all - my list of supplements: Algaecal from Algaecal, Bone and Marrow and Living Bone from Ancestral Supplements, Ultra K2 M4 from SFI Health, Boron from Trace Minerals. Plus I incorporate weight bearing exercises and play tennis. I think the combination of all this contributed to the results.


Dr Andrew Weil's website says: oxalic acid "does not affect calcium absorption from dairy products." Does that apply to calcium supplements also? Healthline says: "calcium absorption from milk is not affected when milk and spinach are consumed together." The NIH says: "Eat calcium-binding foods at least two hours before or after you eat calcium-rich foods...to gain all the nutritional benefits without interfering with your body’s ability to absorb the calcium it needs every day."


Thank you! No pharmaceuticals at all - my list of supplements: Algaecal from Algaecal, Bone and Marrow and Living Bone from Ancestral Supplements, Ultra K2 M4 from SFI Health, Boron from Trace Minerals. Plus I incorporate weight bearing exercises and play tennis. I think the combination of all this contributed to the results.

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No pharmaceuticals is awesome! Thank you so much for listing your supplements. That is very helpful. Do any of your supplements include strontium citrate? Do you get any side effects from taking the supplements? The reason for my asking is that I am extremely sensitive to pharmaceuticals and also to supplements.


No pharmaceuticals is awesome! Thank you so much for listing your supplements. That is very helpful. Do any of your supplements include strontium citrate? Do you get any side effects from taking the supplements? The reason for my asking is that I am extremely sensitive to pharmaceuticals and also to supplements.

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The algaecal I take has no strontium in it. Algaecal does carry an algaecal+strontium. No side effects thankfully, plus the vast majority have been recommended by my doctor who is a functional medicine doctor.

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