overwhelmed by so much (often conflicting) info on natural approaches

Posted by swuelfing1 @swuelfing1, Dec 3, 2023

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else feels overwhelmed when researching what to do about dealing with osteoporosis naturally. There is so much good info out there which is great. It's just that often it gets sooo detailed such as in the area of supplements that it gets confusing or just overwhelming to decide what to do and narrow it down to a feasible plan. Also there are certain topics that there's controversy about - like yes/no on dairy, if dairy then which dairy, oxylates?, correct exercise? correct supplements, too much calcium? As you research you find several very credible and trustworthy resources who still disagree on so many topics. You could endlessly research and go down rabbitholes on every topic. Has anyone figured out any strategies to keep things manageable and decide what to do?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

@mariegroh, I am not here to argue or defend. I'm truly happy you found a path that is comfortable/right for you. We all have to make our own ways with this complicated diagnosis. That's all I was saying.


here's the thing the babs. I DID OSTEOSTRONG for 2 years. And for the first time since 2016 my DEXA scan at an INDEPENDENT site not affiliated with Osteostrong and the same one I'd gone to since 2016 showed an improvement in spine (7.2% and Hip/femur 4.4%) WITHOUT ANY HARMFUL DRUGS like BISPHOSPHONATES. So I'm not SWEARING by anything OTHER THAN DATA and RESULTS.

As for Dr. Lucas, I'm not qualified to speak to his integrity but having attended a couple of his ZOOM meetings I heard nothing at all SNANKE OIL in ANY REGARD. Very sound advice based on oh...once again...DATA AND RESULTS.

So what people FEEL or THINK is ok and I don't have a problem at all with that but I will ALWAYS make my health decisions based on DATA and RESULTS.

And I will never simply TAKE SOMETHING like a prescription medication without HOURS of my OWN research. It's why I'm currently REJECTION STATINS. There really is no proof that they prevent CVD any better than placebos and there are TONS OF DOCUMENTED kind of awful side effects possible.

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Wow ! Marie! What a wonderful report! Maybe I should try Osteostrong. I’m no spring chicken but still very active. I also think Dr. Lucas knows his stuff, the more I hear him interview others and even more so when someone else interviews him. He is making good money for sure but I do believe his heart is in the right place, he has the background to do this work and he is keeping up with all the research. Thank you for sharing!


I called Life Extension about their vitamin K2 MK4..

I was told vitamin K2 is a fat soluble vitamin.

Additionally the representative said the half-life of their product was three days.

So, that is why they feel it’s OK to give 45,000 MCG’s of MK four in one tablet.


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I've been taking several supplements for osteoporosis.....and one was Life Extension's 'Super K', which contains K1 as phytonadione, K2 as menaquinone-4 & K2 as trans menaquinone-7. Is this last one, with the '7' at the end of it, the Vitamin K that is being said to be the one that does not go into our arteries, the one we need? I hope I haven't been taking the wrong Vitamin K all this time! Ugh. I also have another open-heart coming up.....lol one problem at a time!! I better go and Google that...I love this site, so informative....but sometimes overwhelming, too. We all want to be as healthy as possible, but hit hurdles along the way, but yet we keep pushing, thank you all for your advice. < 3


I did not know there was ever a link with breastfeeding but I did find this info which now states:
“ As for breastfeeding, there was a time when researchers believed it was linked to osteoporosis later in life. But according to recent research, that’s no longer the case. “After reviewing a large number of studies, researchers now believe that breastfeeding may actually cause positive changes to bone density over a lifetime,” says Dr. Starr.”https://www.hss.edu/article_pregnancy-bone-density.asp#:~:text=“After%20reviewing%20a%20large%20number,a%20lifetime%2C”%20says%20Dr.

I agree with the opinion that genetics plays a large role.

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Dr. Doug Lucas Retired Orthopedic Surgeon Interviews Dr. John Jaquish - founder of osteostrong.

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I have osteoarthritis in my spine as well as stenosis. And I am wondering if this would be a good fit for me


I've been taking several supplements for osteoporosis.....and one was Life Extension's 'Super K', which contains K1 as phytonadione, K2 as menaquinone-4 & K2 as trans menaquinone-7. Is this last one, with the '7' at the end of it, the Vitamin K that is being said to be the one that does not go into our arteries, the one we need? I hope I haven't been taking the wrong Vitamin K all this time! Ugh. I also have another open-heart coming up.....lol one problem at a time!! I better go and Google that...I love this site, so informative....but sometimes overwhelming, too. We all want to be as healthy as possible, but hit hurdles along the way, but yet we keep pushing, thank you all for your advice. < 3

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@monica1234 No one knows for sure about vitamin K and bones and arteries. The idea that it builds bone, prevents fractures and keeps our arteries clean sound wonderful. Unfortunately there is no consensus on the research that these ideas are correct. I have not read the original research but here's what goes into my logic from secondary sources on choosing Vitamin K supplements .
1. Vitamin K1 is accepted as important in blood clotting.
2. Vitamin K1 can be converted by our bodies to K2 MK4
3. Our bodies can convert other forms of K into MK4.
4. Our bodies do not convert other K forms into MK7.
5. MK4 lasts a few hours in the blood stream
6. MK7 lasts much longer in our blood stream
7. MK4 is measured in milligrams and MK7 in micrograms, that can be confusing when buying supplements.
8. There are other MK forms but there isn't enough research to know how important they might be.

Many people say take MK7 because it stays in our blood stream longer.
I like the opposite view.
MK4 is used more quickly because our body needs it and it goes to where it's needed.
MK7 is perhaps less appropriate or less needed and therefore stays longer in our blood.
Plus why would our body convert other K forms into MK4 if MK7 was what it needed?
Also MK7 seems to cause arrhythmia’s in some folks?

So I say take K1 or get enough in your diet. It's certain that we need it.
The benefits of K2 are not agreed on at this point.
Between K2 MK4 and MK7 I would take MK4 for sure and maybe MK7 if you just want to cover all your bases.
Currently I take MK4 and I'm about to start taking K1 again as I cannot eat enough greens and veges to ensure I get enough K1.


I have osteoarthritis in my spine as well as stenosis. And I am wondering if this would be a good fit for me

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I decided after a month not to continue. If I was considering it again I would want to know how they can attend to my existing conditions so they were not exacerbated. Because their staff were not physical therapists I could not count on them to monitor closely in a meaningful way.


@monica1234 No one knows for sure about vitamin K and bones and arteries. The idea that it builds bone, prevents fractures and keeps our arteries clean sound wonderful. Unfortunately there is no consensus on the research that these ideas are correct. I have not read the original research but here's what goes into my logic from secondary sources on choosing Vitamin K supplements .
1. Vitamin K1 is accepted as important in blood clotting.
2. Vitamin K1 can be converted by our bodies to K2 MK4
3. Our bodies can convert other forms of K into MK4.
4. Our bodies do not convert other K forms into MK7.
5. MK4 lasts a few hours in the blood stream
6. MK7 lasts much longer in our blood stream
7. MK4 is measured in milligrams and MK7 in micrograms, that can be confusing when buying supplements.
8. There are other MK forms but there isn't enough research to know how important they might be.

Many people say take MK7 because it stays in our blood stream longer.
I like the opposite view.
MK4 is used more quickly because our body needs it and it goes to where it's needed.
MK7 is perhaps less appropriate or less needed and therefore stays longer in our blood.
Plus why would our body convert other K forms into MK4 if MK7 was what it needed?
Also MK7 seems to cause arrhythmia’s in some folks?

So I say take K1 or get enough in your diet. It's certain that we need it.
The benefits of K2 are not agreed on at this point.
Between K2 MK4 and MK7 I would take MK4 for sure and maybe MK7 if you just want to cover all your bases.
Currently I take MK4 and I'm about to start taking K1 again as I cannot eat enough greens and veges to ensure I get enough K1.

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I agree...but it is so confusing, depending on what you read....even on so-called informative medical websites. Plus, watching the videos on the forms of Vitamin K....which is true and which is NOT? I've already ordered Vitamin K2-7.....lol do I NEED it? Not sure. I don't eat enough greens, either. I know I need my Vitamin K...that's about the ONLY thing I know for sure. Thank you.


I decided after a month not to continue. If I was considering it again I would want to know how they can attend to my existing conditions so they were not exacerbated. Because their staff were not physical therapists I could not count on them to monitor closely in a meaningful way.

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I was thinking the same thing. I belong to a Facebook group that is geared to providing exercises to strengthen and build bone density. the main person in that group is a physical therapist
trained in osteoporosis. she felt that osteo strong was not the best choice because they do not have enough data and studies to support it. My p physiatrist told me not to lift heavy weights because it would hurt my back.


I dear suelfing1,
I can definitely relate to what you write if it's too conflicting/confusing I give up and I suppose try for a middle ground. Other comments here seem to be another topic, I'm confused even here!

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