overwhelmed by so much (often conflicting) info on natural approaches

Posted by swuelfing1 @swuelfing1, Dec 3, 2023

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else feels overwhelmed when researching what to do about dealing with osteoporosis naturally. There is so much good info out there which is great. It's just that often it gets sooo detailed such as in the area of supplements that it gets confusing or just overwhelming to decide what to do and narrow it down to a feasible plan. Also there are certain topics that there's controversy about - like yes/no on dairy, if dairy then which dairy, oxylates?, correct exercise? correct supplements, too much calcium? As you research you find several very credible and trustworthy resources who still disagree on so many topics. You could endlessly research and go down rabbitholes on every topic. Has anyone figured out any strategies to keep things manageable and decide what to do?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Thanks for sharing your doctors response to using osteoporosis drugs- it feels somewhat validating that not every doctor immediately supports their use. I keep reading and reading to try to get a game plan. Have you read “no nonsense bone heath guide “ by Dr. Lani Simpson ? It’s at most libraries

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Recently, on an osteoporosis forum, Lani Simpson revealed she is now doing Tymlos.


Recently, on an osteoporosis forum, Lani Simpson revealed she is now doing Tymlos.

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That’s really interesting, thanks for sharing, I’ll read up on that!
I respected her approach in the book, giving her assessment of the pros and cons of various treatment (at least up until the time of the books printing. )


What a smart, savvy, well-read group of people are here. This discussion has been so helpful and comforting knowing others are in the same boat, and how we are each trying to find what’s best for us.

My gut is a mess (I’ve been working on this with a functional doctor), I’m thin boned, I’ve had thyroid disease (autoimmune Graves’ disease) since age 15. I’ve also taken prednisone a few times over over the past few years. I also have neuropathy and muscle pain which makes heavy exercise impossible. But I do what I can and my muscles are getting stronger. I’ve done yoga for years and have always walked. I’m now trying to walk more and on an incline and am finally reading Yoga for Osteoporosis by Dr. Fishbein which I’ve had on my shelf for years. Having to adjust my favorite positions is causing me conflict. I’m going to try to find a yoga teacher knowledgeable in Osteoporosis to help me transition.

The conflicting nutritional information based on different studies is frustrating: Oh, just take D2 with K with calcium citrate which is absorbed better. But be aware the RMD of D is way too low. Oh, now citrate is bad take plant based calcium. Oh but the K2 needs to be both MK7 and MK4. And by the way extra D causes bone loss so just take the RMD……

Some doctors are still saying: Just take tums. Very few are aware of the most recent studies. But even the studies offer conflicting information, and experts do not agree what’s the best bone building program to be on. And our bodies are all so different. I think you just have to find a good program and a good doctor you trust and hope for the best.

I’m thankful you all are here keeping up with research, consulting with knowledgeable doctors and physical therapists, and sharing your journeys. ❤️


To swuelfing1:

I am right with you. I follow Dr. Brown’s Better Bones and the Bone Coach. But after my recent confirmed OP diagnosis, I started a gentle bone exercise program and joined a Facebook group on natural osteoporosis approaches. I thought it would be people sharing their diets and what seems to work. It’s not - it’s a way of eating and very little supplements that turns all conventional ideas on calcium, vitamin D, trace minerals, on their heads.

So I’m at a loss what to do. One diet says plant based, another says meat and fats is needed (I lean vegetarian). No one completely agrees which foods are acid (bad) or alkaline (good). Do you eat calcium in foods, including dairy (which doesn’t agree with me) or use fortified plant milks?
I look at studies too. Sigh….

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Yes, exactly! aagh.... I've been researching for a year and a half since my osteopenia diagnosis and I have decided on some credible people to follow (not that they're always in agreement either). I trust Dr. Susan Brown, Dr. Doug Lucas, Dr. Keith McCormick, I also think Lani Simpson and Vivian Goldschmidt (of SaveInstitute.com) have great info. Margaret Martin too.


I think it depends on the reason for your osteoporosis. All my life I lifted weights, I was an aerobic instructor, had horses, had a dog walking business, contradanced, and am very active. My parents and grandparents had osteoporosis so I did what I thought I should do to strengthen my bones. Natural approaches did not work for me. I got a hold of Dr McCormick and he thinks the problem is my gut health which we are working on now. My Dr said I didn't have to be on medication for osteoporosis. Dr McCormick said that I absolutely need to be on meds. My Endochronologist agrees with him. So, I am soon going to try evenity along with everything else I do. Good luck to you.

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I had my 7th Evenity injections. So far, so good. 🙂


I think it depends on the reason for your osteoporosis. All my life I lifted weights, I was an aerobic instructor, had horses, had a dog walking business, contradanced, and am very active. My parents and grandparents had osteoporosis so I did what I thought I should do to strengthen my bones. Natural approaches did not work for me. I got a hold of Dr McCormick and he thinks the problem is my gut health which we are working on now. My Dr said I didn't have to be on medication for osteoporosis. Dr McCormick said that I absolutely need to be on meds. My Endochronologist agrees with him. So, I am soon going to try evenity along with everything else I do. Good luck to you.

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I believe in what McCormick has to say and I feel Evenity was a right choice for me .
Wishing you the best .


To swuelfing1:

I am right with you. I follow Dr. Brown’s Better Bones and the Bone Coach. But after my recent confirmed OP diagnosis, I started a gentle bone exercise program and joined a Facebook group on natural osteoporosis approaches. I thought it would be people sharing their diets and what seems to work. It’s not - it’s a way of eating and very little supplements that turns all conventional ideas on calcium, vitamin D, trace minerals, on their heads.

So I’m at a loss what to do. One diet says plant based, another says meat and fats is needed (I lean vegetarian). No one completely agrees which foods are acid (bad) or alkaline (good). Do you eat calcium in foods, including dairy (which doesn’t agree with me) or use fortified plant milks?
I look at studies too. Sigh….

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Just my personal experience…I tried a plant based diet for 6 months. At the same time I was under a lot of stress. I became almost completely incapacitated, to the point of not being able to get out of my bed and barely able to walk. My vitamin D levels were catastrophically low. I also was diagnosed with osteoporosis with pretty bad T scores. I realize now I was missing key nutrients in my plant based eating due to the fact I wasn’t getting enough protein or calcium. And my digestive system got all out of whack.
I’ve returned to a meat and vegetable diet with some fruit and I am 110% better.


I would also appreciate you sharing the online osteo exercise program you are using.

I signed up for Wellen. So far, it's too easy, but the immediate focus is on form and alignment. I love everything about it - the setting, the music, the exercises, the explanations, and the fitness model. I do hope it will get harder. I'm only on lesson #5. It's $114 for the year and there is a two week trial. Check it out.


Wellen goes on sale for $64/yr
Onero $14/mo (haven’t seen any sales)
Both are easy (with exception of Wellen push-ups) but hopefully they do target the right spots & maybe we can make up for the easiness by doing them 5 days/week. Eat 2T Natto & 50 grams of prunes everyday. For me, stopping the coffee & cocktails are the hardest part…both old habits.


Unfortunately, the nato and prunes have caused me migraines.

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