overwhelmed by so much (often conflicting) info on natural approaches

Posted by swuelfing1 @swuelfing1, Dec 3, 2023

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else feels overwhelmed when researching what to do about dealing with osteoporosis naturally. There is so much good info out there which is great. It's just that often it gets sooo detailed such as in the area of supplements that it gets confusing or just overwhelming to decide what to do and narrow it down to a feasible plan. Also there are certain topics that there's controversy about - like yes/no on dairy, if dairy then which dairy, oxylates?, correct exercise? correct supplements, too much calcium? As you research you find several very credible and trustworthy resources who still disagree on so many topics. You could endlessly research and go down rabbitholes on every topic. Has anyone figured out any strategies to keep things manageable and decide what to do?

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I would be interested in the online ostero exercise program you are using. I am so tired of guessing and hoping I am doing what I should do...

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The exercise program is called Wellen. I bought a year on sale and it was not expensive at all. They have a two week trial period so you can test it out. You answer questions about your fitness level and they tailor a program to you. So far I’m enjoying the exercises - combines tai chi with resistance/hand weights, and simple moves and I can feel my muscles working.


The exercise program is called Wellen. I bought a year on sale and it was not expensive at all. They have a two week trial period so you can test it out. You answer questions about your fitness level and they tailor a program to you. So far I’m enjoying the exercises - combines tai chi with resistance/hand weights, and simple moves and I can feel my muscles working.

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Thank you! Very helpful.


There are so many different natural no drug programs which offer conflicting advice. It’s overwhelming! I just was diagnosed a with osteoporosis (after being very close with osteopenia). I haven’t read one thing that convinces me to start the drugs.

I’m also following the concept that the Dexa is not accurate and that it doesn’t prove bone fragility. That said, I sure don’t want to risk fracture. I’m trying to avoid the twisting and bending which was part of my yoga routine for years.

I’ve started an online osteo exercise program, increasing my walking while wearing my weighted vest, and using a vibration plate.

As far as nutrition, I’m sorting out the programs and studies. What I’ve gotten so far is that getting nutrition through foods is best. Vitamin D from the sun. Natural sources for calcium not sources with added calcium like OJ. I take many supplements which maybe are not helping, or maybe my Tscore would have been worse without them. I don’t think the researchers know yet the exact nutritional needs to increase bone strength. It’s sure not pop a calcium pill, which is what most doctors tell you.

I’m interested in hearing success stories. Sending ❤️ to everyone.

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I’ve had 3 doctors tell me not to take the drugs, an orthopedic surgeon, my dentist and my functional medicine doctor. My OBGYN was downright condescending in his speech to
Me to take the drugs( I’m changing doctors on that one) and my endocrinologist said if you don’t take the drugs at least take Tums(not going back to him either). I’m working with my FMD on my diet and supplements. And I research extensively to make sure I’m
Doing everything possible besides drugs to improve my scores.


I’ve had 3 doctors tell me not to take the drugs, an orthopedic surgeon, my dentist and my functional medicine doctor. My OBGYN was downright condescending in his speech to
Me to take the drugs( I’m changing doctors on that one) and my endocrinologist said if you don’t take the drugs at least take Tums(not going back to him either). I’m working with my FMD on my diet and supplements. And I research extensively to make sure I’m
Doing everything possible besides drugs to improve my scores.

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May I ask how old you are? I am interested because age, where one is in the hormone journey teaches me so much about the osteoporosis journey. Thanks in advance. I am 75 and became menopausal....bam..like that! No symptoms ever.


May I ask how old you are? I am interested because age, where one is in the hormone journey teaches me so much about the osteoporosis journey. Thanks in advance. I am 75 and became menopausal....bam..like that! No symptoms ever.

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I’m 69. Menopausal since 50. My mother lived to 90. She had black out episodes caused by a neurological condition where she would fall. She never broke a bone from these falls. She was a petite frail woman who did not take calcium nor consume dairy as she was lactose intolerant. She did eat a healthy diet, no processed food. She took Fosamax in her 70s for a short period of time. I’m basing my treatment some on her history.


I’ve had 3 doctors tell me not to take the drugs, an orthopedic surgeon, my dentist and my functional medicine doctor. My OBGYN was downright condescending in his speech to
Me to take the drugs( I’m changing doctors on that one) and my endocrinologist said if you don’t take the drugs at least take Tums(not going back to him either). I’m working with my FMD on my diet and supplements. And I research extensively to make sure I’m
Doing everything possible besides drugs to improve my scores.

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Thanks for sharing your doctors response to using osteoporosis drugs- it feels somewhat validating that not every doctor immediately supports their use. I keep reading and reading to try to get a game plan. Have you read “no nonsense bone heath guide “ by Dr. Lani Simpson ? It’s at most libraries


I haven’t. I’ve read Keith MCCormicks books, Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox by Kate Rheaume-Bleue and have recently been watching Dr Doug Lucas on YouTube. Why don’t doctors tell you about K2 and Vitamin A when they tell you to take Vitamin D3 with your calcium? Is it because those vitamins might do as good a job as the drugs??
My FMD gave me a list of vitamins and minerals to take in addition to calcium, so hopefully I’m getting all I should.
As a side note to K2 in the form of MK-7, I have Sjogerns and suffer from dry eyes and mouth(as well as joint pain). When I started taking MK-7, my dryness issues improved!!


I’ve had 3 doctors tell me not to take the drugs, an orthopedic surgeon, my dentist and my functional medicine doctor. My OBGYN was downright condescending in his speech to
Me to take the drugs( I’m changing doctors on that one) and my endocrinologist said if you don’t take the drugs at least take Tums(not going back to him either). I’m working with my FMD on my diet and supplements. And I research extensively to make sure I’m
Doing everything possible besides drugs to improve my scores.

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Can I ask what your scores are ?
That’s great to try the natural route but it all depends on your T scores .


Can I ask what your scores are ?
That’s great to try the natural route but it all depends on your T scores .

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It doesn’t matter to me what my t scores are other than to let me know if I’m improving. I’m not altering my course of treatment.


I think it depends on the reason for your osteoporosis. All my life I lifted weights, I was an aerobic instructor, had horses, had a dog walking business, contradanced, and am very active. My parents and grandparents had osteoporosis so I did what I thought I should do to strengthen my bones. Natural approaches did not work for me. I got a hold of Dr McCormick and he thinks the problem is my gut health which we are working on now. My Dr said I didn't have to be on medication for osteoporosis. Dr McCormick said that I absolutely need to be on meds. My Endochronologist agrees with him. So, I am soon going to try evenity along with everything else I do. Good luck to you.

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