Neuropathy Pain at Night: What helps?

Posted by Donald @donfeld, Jun 8, 2020

THC or marijuana for me relieves pain from neuropathy. It works every time takes a few minutes and a few puffs of smoke and it comes it down for some crazy reason that makes this drug so popular.

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Bio- Freeze has been my help for burning feet. First started burning 10 years ago after taking the anti-biotic Cipro. This is common to this class of anti-biotic. Levaquin is same nasty pill. So next was prostate cancer and Lupron Depot Chemo. Lupron supposed to be done away with because it does too much damage to the body. Now I am hearing of an ointment made from very hot peppers. Capsaican I think is how it’s spelled. Supposed to be really helpful with PN. Anyone know anything about this? Treetop


The Mary Jane (pot) expands arteries and blood vessels allowing more blood to areas. Treetop


When getting up in the middle of the night and then laying back down, my feet were on fire. For a long time the best answer I could find was Bio-Freezewhuch did help some.

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I was given Fentanyl in my back via a needle,?while have knee replacement. Have suffered ever since I was given an Epidural withe this drug, four years ago. Damaged central nerve system in my back.
Since then burning itch in my feet, plus up both sides of rib cage, and finally into hands and fingers.
I was prescribed Enstilar by Leo Pharma. It’s a spray which does help some what. Nothing other than so far.
Don’t know if it’s manufactured in states though. I get this from my pharmacist in Canada. It’s recommended by my dermatologist. Not my Doctor, because it’s skin issues nerve pain itching.
Hope this helps.
Graham H


Bio- Freeze has been my help for burning feet. First started burning 10 years ago after taking the anti-biotic Cipro. This is common to this class of anti-biotic. Levaquin is same nasty pill. So next was prostate cancer and Lupron Depot Chemo. Lupron supposed to be done away with because it does too much damage to the body. Now I am hearing of an ointment made from very hot peppers. Capsaican I think is how it’s spelled. Supposed to be really helpful with PN. Anyone know anything about this? Treetop

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Have used Capsaicin. I no longer use it because I found another treatment. I have many tunes that are unopened that I will pass on to you or anyone who wants them.
Just post it here and we can communicate.


Have used Capsaicin. I no longer use it because I found another treatment. I have many tunes that are unopened that I will pass on to you or anyone who wants them.
Just post it here and we can communicate.

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Hi, 26sabrina! May I ask what was the other treatment that worked for you?
Thank you!


Has anyone successfully tried THC inn other forms than smoking? I have had NP since 2009! I have tried everything mentioned except THC via a pipe. I did not fall prey to the electronic-mechanical snake-oil salesmen and their devices "guaranteed to cure". I am 92 and stopped smoking when I was 36. I have healthy lungs and am apprehensive about inhaling any thing into them. Except for the neuropathy, I am in good health. Many years ago I did try THC in a mild pill form. I only had burning toes then. However, it did not help, then. Thanks for any advice.


Bio- Freeze has been my help for burning feet. First started burning 10 years ago after taking the anti-biotic Cipro. This is common to this class of anti-biotic. Levaquin is same nasty pill. So next was prostate cancer and Lupron Depot Chemo. Lupron supposed to be done away with because it does too much damage to the body. Now I am hearing of an ointment made from very hot peppers. Capsaican I think is how it’s spelled. Supposed to be really helpful with PN. Anyone know anything about this? Treetop

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Aspercreme helps the burning in my ankles at night. I apply before bed and calms it down so I can sleep. Used lidoderm patches previously but hard to keep on.


Has anyone successfully tried THC inn other forms than smoking? I have had NP since 2009! I have tried everything mentioned except THC via a pipe. I did not fall prey to the electronic-mechanical snake-oil salesmen and their devices "guaranteed to cure". I am 92 and stopped smoking when I was 36. I have healthy lungs and am apprehensive about inhaling any thing into them. Except for the neuropathy, I am in good health. Many years ago I did try THC in a mild pill form. I only had burning toes then. However, it did not help, then. Thanks for any advice.

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I have lots of neuropathy in my upper bk, neck and scalp. 22 yrs. Lyrica is a prescription for nerve pain. If u start taking it, be sure to start out at 25mgs which is lowest dose. When that dose is not enough to relieve the pain, go to 50mgs. Do u have a pain Dr? He or she would know how to prescribe Lyrica.
I am on medical cannabis and take Indica type of THC. It comes as a thick serum that is loaded into a syringe. At bedtime. I put the amt of 1/2 grain of rice on the end of a tongue blade and put it up against the inside wall of my mouth so it will be absorbed. Some ppl put it on peanut butter and take it that way. Don’t take more than that. The state you are in hopefully has medical cannabis. You never have to smoke it.


Has anyone successfully tried THC inn other forms than smoking? I have had NP since 2009! I have tried everything mentioned except THC via a pipe. I did not fall prey to the electronic-mechanical snake-oil salesmen and their devices "guaranteed to cure". I am 92 and stopped smoking when I was 36. I have healthy lungs and am apprehensive about inhaling any thing into them. Except for the neuropathy, I am in good health. Many years ago I did try THC in a mild pill form. I only had burning toes then. However, it did not help, then. Thanks for any advice.

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Good evening @skipneuroathy. Congratulations on being 92 and having healthy lugs along with general good health.

I don't know how long ago you tried THC in pill form. However, the options have changed a lot since I began using medical cannabis for SFN (small fiber neuropathy) about 11 years ago. What I have learned is that THC alone just doesn't do the job. Number 2, smoking and vaping are not the best ways to use cannabis made directly from the "flower. "

For example, I use tinctures and topicals only. My choice for Tinctures is 2:1 CBD/THC
at bedtime or during a long social evening. A 1:1 CBD/THC Tincture is great to have some
get up and go in the morning. Just for education, you can read the product information on They also produce a topical balm in 3:1 CBD/THC as well as
1:3 CBD/ for chronic pain and the second one for acute pain. With tinctures, you can dissipate the medication through the skin under your tongue. In so doing, you eliminate going through the digestive system which can take a long time.

Regarding dosing, it might be helpful for you to take a look at this site.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Hello, I’m new to this forum and I’m hoping to connect with others that deal with neuropathy pain jolting them awake in the middle of the night. It hurts so bad I’m terrified to move but I know I have to. I have many medical issues which don’t help. I had chemotherapy in 2015 for breast cancer and radiation in 2016. Had to deal with all the side effects of taking chemo drugs, tamoxifen for 5 hrs then letrozole for 3 yrs when I finally told my Onocologist NO MORE! I was tired of the side effects. My neuropathy started around 2016 and I have been fighting with it since then. It has progressed and gotten worse over the years so has my health. In 2020 I was diagnosed with RA so I started meds for that (plaqunil, celebrex and recently Humira injections). In 2023, I had heart failure and had a pacemaker put in. Plus I’m a long term depression and anxiety patient. I am also according to my cardiologist “morbidly obese. My neuropathy had been minimal (pain wise) all those yrs until February 2024. I’ll be sleeping soundly (I’m a back sleeper ), when all of the sudden I’m jolted awake with pin and needle sensations and deep burning pain in my right thigh. It takes me 5-10 minutes to maneuver myself out of bed. Then I walk around to ease the pain, but it lingers for a few hours. I’m on 100mg 3 times a day of pregabilin (lyrica); it is not helping. I manage to get approximately 5-6 hours of sleep due to this. Please I’m interested in anyone else that has this jolting night waking pain. What helps? How do I get myself out of bed easier?
Thank you

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