My story and my daughter's story "Hannah"

Posted by hannah41198 @hannah41198, Feb 18, 2024

What do you do when it's your youngest daughter who was damaged during mistakes made during COVID Treatment. This happened in 21, she was 23, after her lungs were clear and they were supposed to wake her up, they lost her airway for a half hour, causing an anoxic brain injury and damaged her Airway I live with the anger daily.

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@hannah41198 Oh, my goodness. Such a terrible thing to happen. I can certainly understand your anger and sadness. Is your daughter functioning now or do you provide full care?
Have you had the opportunity to talk with the staff who were involved? It may be late but it could help you and the staff. Maybe 15-20 years later, I can still remember a mistake I made as a nurse. I can still picture the whole situation. You could contact the Patient Representative and talk with them first and say that you’d like to talk with the staff.
I am so, so sorry that this has happened. Do you have a counselor that you can talk to?


@hannah41198 Oh, my goodness. Such a terrible thing to happen. I can certainly understand your anger and sadness. Is your daughter functioning now or do you provide full care?
Have you had the opportunity to talk with the staff who were involved? It may be late but it could help you and the staff. Maybe 15-20 years later, I can still remember a mistake I made as a nurse. I can still picture the whole situation. You could contact the Patient Representative and talk with them first and say that you’d like to talk with the staff.
I am so, so sorry that this has happened. Do you have a counselor that you can talk to?

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No, and except for the nurses the staff was combative. ThevNeuro doc Said my daughter eould never wake up but she did. The rehab neurologist wanted her to go to a nursing home and demanded a DNR. I refused. I am now legally going after them, but COVID protected them. My daughter has limited movement and now that her airway closed uses Pops to communicate. The fact that she had downs syndrome was another reason they wanted my wife and I to let her go, but she was not brain dead and knows who she is.


Hello @hannah41198, I can't even begin to imagine what you and your wife are going through right now trying to help your daughter. I'm wondering if you are aware of the Family Caregiver Alliance that might be a good resource for information to find help.

--- Hypoxic-Anoxic Brain Injury:

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