Research on COVID 19 vax causing Essential Thrombocythemia?

Posted by dressler02 @dressler02, Jul 2, 2022

I’ve seen very little about what causes a genetic corruption that leads to iessential Thrombocythemia. However i’ve been going back and acquiring past blood tests to try and pinpoint a timeline. One thing that seems to keep constant is that my changes in blood measurements did not seem to happen until after my first J&J shot for Covid 19 vaccination. I know the J&J shot had some bad press about causing a rare blood clot in mostly females. That does seem to have some minor relevancy. However, When i ask my Cancer clinic they seem to disregard it as just bad luck and say there are no known studies on it. However something had to cause the gene to corrupt. I cannot find any research on it. Does anyone know any studies in correlation to blood disorders and say the J&J shot? Or any other vaccinations causing this corruption of genetics or any other identified causes?

Thank you,


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Very interesting comments from everyone…

Having already had flu and RSV vaccines, my husband and I had the Pfizer vaccine and two days later he had two short scary seizures at a community social event. An ambulance was called and he reluctantly went to an ER. He was admitted and finally after many EKG they found he was in AFib. They moved him to the Cardiac floor. It took days to keep him in rhythm because they did not want to add another drug to what they were already giving him. He was discharged after five days, He is waiting for an appointment for a Loop device implant that will monitor what is going on.

I searched online and found a 2022 article about developing AFib after Covid vaccine. It gave statistics and it was around 2% for Pfizer. Also gave statistics for other brands. I plan on reporting it to VAERS since he will not.
He says no more Covid vaccines for him!


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Hope your husband will get good care for his a-fib and the cardio can get to the bottom of it. Good to submit a VAERS. But does his situation have anything to do with ET and the dangers covid poses for blood cancer patients? My husband (no ET) had a heart attack and emergency stent installation after a covid vax. Docs said all that plaque took years to build up long before he got the vax. Sometimes things are a coincidence.


Hope your husband will get good care for his a-fib and the cardio can get to the bottom of it. Good to submit a VAERS. But does his situation have anything to do with ET and the dangers covid poses for blood cancer patients? My husband (no ET) had a heart attack and emergency stent installation after a covid vax. Docs said all that plaque took years to build up long before he got the vax. Sometimes things are a coincidence.

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No, I am the one with ET. My husband has taken meds for other issues. The concern was two seizures a couple minutes apart. They did every possible test with negative results.



No, I am the one with ET. My husband has taken meds for other issues. The concern was two seizures a couple minutes apart. They did every possible test with negative results.

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It does sound prudent to report the seizures to VAERS. Maybe also tell the pharmacist where he got the vaccine?

I got my last one at Walgreen, which was inundated with extra patients because Rite Aid had gone bankrupt. The place seemed very disorganized, the automated appointment booking system had crashed, and the tech was confused about which vax we wanted. All worked out fine, but I was tempted to tell them I would come back when they were less busy.


The VAERS (vax adverse reaction) site is here: It's pretty easy to use. I reported an adverse reaction to the first Shingrix shot.

Doctors are usually dismissive of correlations, but they often chart it so that if they hear it enough they report or investigate. But clinicians don't like diverting from their protocols--or the hospital systems they work for don't let them. Opens them up to lawsuits if they diverge from prescribed standard of care.

For example, I asked a dermatologist if worsening rosacea could be ET-related. He said no, gets worse with age, you're old, ergo ... Then he said I was the second patient with ET who asked him that, asked me more about ET, and wrote it down in my chart. So I planted a seed, even though his standard rosacea regime has helped a lot.

I will say that platelets can take big jumps once the proliferation starts. Dad experienced this.

Interested in what your doc saw that indicated "sticky blood."

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Thank you for letting me know about the website to report adverse reactions to vaccines! I definitely will report adverse effects I had immediately following the Covid vaccination that lasted for a month, and then the start of my platelets rising.


Thank you for letting me know about the website to report adverse reactions to vaccines! I definitely will report adverse effects I had immediately following the Covid vaccination that lasted for a month, and then the start of my platelets rising.

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VAERS is the best place to report info, where researchers can spot trends and problems. But, and sorry to be a broken record, a temporary platelet spike like the one I had in August is common for ET patients. If it goes back down, the hematologist won't get too worried unless levels are all over the place over a period of several months.


So far my platelets have risen about 10 per month since the first Covid vaccine. Pretty steady trend. I have been diagnosed with blood test and bone marrow biopsy for ET, my platelets were in the low 200’s before the vaccine, to now up to 472. I am still on baby aspirin and my oncologist says when I get to 550, she will start me on anagrelide.


I too noticed that my platelet count went up at the time of the Covid vaccines. I've been diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia in 2022. I wish the CDC was tracking this information as we've heard of a correlation between Covid vaccine and blood clots. Does anyone know how to report this?

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My friend, a hospital medical technologist, vaxxed five times currently, noted her platelet count going up after her first two shots in 2021. Her hematologist ordered a bone marrow aspirate this summer and the genetic testing. EV was the diagnosis.

Of course, no connection will be made with the vaxx....and was not reported to VAERS. I suspect that's with most of the Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions.


My friend, a hospital medical technologist, vaxxed five times currently, noted her platelet count going up after her first two shots in 2021 (initial and booster).

Her hematologist ordered a bone marrow aspirate this summer and the genetic testing. EV was the diagnosis with gene mutation. She has no other health issues.

Of course, no connection will be made with the Covid-19 vaccine as a 'trigger'....and was not reported to VAERS. I suspect that's with most of the Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions. Her diagnosis came years after her first Covid-19 vaccines when her platelets first began to rise. So there will be no connection. She's a medical technologist - so she was able to watch her own platelet count.


I wonder how this disease progresses in the people who have acquired it through the Covid vac vs those who have acquired it through other means. Thoughts?


My friend, a hospital medical technologist, vaxxed five times currently, noted her platelet count going up after her first two shots in 2021 (initial and booster).

Her hematologist ordered a bone marrow aspirate this summer and the genetic testing. EV was the diagnosis with gene mutation. She has no other health issues.

Of course, no connection will be made with the Covid-19 vaccine as a 'trigger'....and was not reported to VAERS. I suspect that's with most of the Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions. Her diagnosis came years after her first Covid-19 vaccines when her platelets first began to rise. So there will be no connection. She's a medical technologist - so she was able to watch her own platelet count.

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I was not sure about reporting to VAERS my adverse reaction to the Covid Vaccine. I was encouraged through this connect group to do so. My platelets were just over 200 before the vaccine, so it takes a long time for a rise before the “high level” to be recognized. My physician was proactive to notice the increase for me. My first Covid vaccine was Jan 25, 2021 (with platelets of 203 at that time, and by Jan 26, 2022 my platelets rose to 349 (still not over the high). By August 21, 2023 were 467 and now are 516. I was diagnosed early by a hemotogist and bone marrow biopsy as having a non genetic CALR bone marrow mutation. Maybe not related to the vaccine, but maybe so? It is worth reporting to VAERS. It’s interesting that in my small city of 10,000 in N Arizona, my Doctor and my husband’s Doctor (different doctors) are telling us they are seeing more people with new diagnosis of ET. Coincidence with Covid Vaccine? Not sure, but worth reporting to VAERS website. Be sure to have all your information in front of you when you fill out the form (from your vaccine card, your Doctor info, platelet progression and dates from blood tests) because there is a limit of time to complete the form. I am now beginning blood tests every month, and my onclologist is choosing for me to begin anegrelide. I am hoping gene editing (CRISPR) technologies will at some point will enable me to reverse my DNA back to original, so not to have a lifetime of medications.

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