Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I have chronic pain due to an infected revision of a hip replacement. I’ m 85, an ex runner, cycler and competative alpine skier till age 75. I also have a peripheral neuropathy with dimished sensation in my feet and legs and significant balance issues. I take gabapentin 900mg. at bedtime and cymbalta 30 mg. in the AM. Also take extended release morphine 15mg in the AM and bedtime. Supplemental advil. My name is Steve.


I have many times and they will take X-rays and tell me the replacement is intact so there’s nothing they can do. They don’t know why it hurts.

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Hey, Marcia, I understand what you're saying because I had a knee replacement in 2013 and it seemed to improve....but only for awhile. I went back for follow-ups with the orthopedic surgeon and he said it was intact. Then I took that same x-ray to another ortho surgeon who said otherwise. He scheduled me for surgery and removed the one that was done by the previous surgeon and when he talked to my daughter while I was in the recovery room, he told her the original replacement "fell apart" in his hands. It might be worth taking your most recent x-ray to another surgeon for a second opinion. My knee does bother me from time to time but not near like it did before. Take care and best wishes.


I am Alma. I have suffered from chronic pain due to spinal stenosis for over three years. I have had a number of epidural injections over the last three years, but unfortunately it has had not helped. I understand from the pain center that I go to that there is now a new epidural injection procedure that is being offered. Is there anyone who has had this new epidural injection that has had relief from the pain?

Thank you for your quick response.


I am Alma. I have suffered from chronic pain due to spinal stenosis for over three years. I have had a number of epidural injections over the last three years, but unfortunately it has had not helped. I understand from the pain center that I go to that there is now a new epidural injection procedure that is being offered. Is there anyone who has had this new epidural injection that has had relief from the pain?

Thank you for your quick response.

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Hi, Alma, I also have spinal stenosis and have had epidurals in the past that were not helpful.
So interesting to see your message because, ironically, I had a newer type of epidural for my chronic neck pain/headaches this very morning! They injected in the front of my neck and on both sides. I am already feeling some decrease in the neck pain as they inject a corticosteroid and lidocaine but the full effect could take up to 2 wks, so I don't know yet what longer term results there may be. The next step, for me, is another surgery as there is a bulging disc at C4-5 and I already had surgical fusions C5-7. What part of your spine is most painful?


Thank you for sharing your experience. My spine constantly aches in the lower part of my back, towards the right and down my left leg. I refuse to have surgery. I know of a minister at my church who went in for "routine" surgery, and has never walked again.


Hello! I'm Elizabeth and I am nearly 60 y/o. I have lived with CFS/ME since 2001. Enjoyed a remission (?) from 2009 to 2014 but the symptoms have crept back. On top of that, I have lost more mobility and strength since contracting COVID and developing what is known as long COVID.

I keep finding new ways to stay engaged with life despite the reduced energy, strength, and stamina. I still enjoy sewing, reading, watching movies, my eclectic music explorations on spotify, "walking" with my two dogs in the forest behind my home, and working casual two afternoons a week mentoring Indigenous students. I love making things with my hands and will try new crafting interests based on what I discover on Pinterest.

I look forward to connecting with others here!


Hi up until 16 months ago. I was an avid walker, loved wooout and the outdoors. Suddenly after a walk I started having lower lumbar issues and swelling/inflammation that never goes away. I have had 2 ablations, epidural, steroid injections and still no change. Then 4 months ago I started nightly leg cramps for 5 weeks. When that stopped I started having extreme sensitivity to fabric against my legs and to heat, and terrible pain along my shins on both legs. I was told that the chronic back pain let to this. I do not want more injections. I do not want the Gabapentin, Lyrica, or Cymbalta. Does anyone here know what I could do to help with this leg pain and sensitivity?


Hi, Alma, I also have spinal stenosis and have had epidurals in the past that were not helpful.
So interesting to see your message because, ironically, I had a newer type of epidural for my chronic neck pain/headaches this very morning! They injected in the front of my neck and on both sides. I am already feeling some decrease in the neck pain as they inject a corticosteroid and lidocaine but the full effect could take up to 2 wks, so I don't know yet what longer term results there may be. The next step, for me, is another surgery as there is a bulging disc at C4-5 and I already had surgical fusions C5-7. What part of your spine is most painful?

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Thank you for sharing your experience regarding the epidural injections. I am due to receive the new epidural injection next week. Will share the results.


Thank you for sharing your experience regarding the epidural injections. I am due to receive the new epidural injection next week. Will share the results.

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Hope yours gives you great relief. None gave me any, but, at least, I didn't have any adverse reactions.


Thank you for sharing and for the encourgement.

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