Reclast Infusions: Side-effects & Recovery time

Posted by cindydee @cindydee, Mar 20, 2018

I just had a reclast infusion last week and have had serious side effects. I had the worst flue like aching for 5 days then my lefty arm became full of inflammation in the wrist, elbow and shoulder which caused extreme pain and I lost the ability to straighten my elbow. Ultrasound showed huge amounts of fluid throughout the arm. The right arm is now starting to have the same symptoms. The pain is excruciating. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Neither the ER doctor nor the Dr. who prescribed the procedure knew what to do to ease the symptoms. Both arms from fingertips to shoulder are swollen and neither elbow will straighten. Anyone else have adverse reactions to the reclast infusion? If yes, how long did it last?

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I have had four prolia injections and then my doctor took me off of it and now a year later my bone density has gotten much worst. I was told if you take prolia you have to take it for the rest of your life.
My new endocrinologist has put me on fosamax to see if I can handle it as I have a long history of reflux and 20 years ago I had a severe reaction to fosamax. The hope is to get me on recast. It all makes me very nervous.

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I can sympathize with you. I am going through the same thing right now as I have been taking Prolia and I'm due for my 4th Prolia shot Feb. 16. My doctor wants me to go off of Prolia and start Reclast instead. I have to make the decision within the next two weeks as to what to do. I have had no side effects with Prolia and would be happy to continue with those shots twice a year but the new physician's group I go to is switching their patients over to Reclast. I'm concerned about all the side effects I've read about switching to Reclast. They said I can remain on Prolia but that is not their recommendation. I have shown improvement while on Prolia even though I've only had 3 injections thus far. I'm in a quandary.


Hello! I see it’s been going on 5yrs since you had a Reclast infusion. Can you tell me if you still have any side effects?

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I had a reclast infusion in May of 2023. I will never have another one. I had very bad flu like symptoms at first. Achy bones, fever, you name it. But, within 2 weeks of the infusion, my quality of life took a nose dive! I needed to be cleared to make sure it was OK to have back surgery for spinal stenosis. I've always been healthy and strong. Not any more! Please, please, research this drug.


I had a reclast infusion in May of 2023. I will never have another one. I had very bad flu like symptoms at first. Achy bones, fever, you name it. But, within 2 weeks of the infusion, my quality of life took a nose dive! I needed to be cleared to make sure it was OK to have back surgery for spinal stenosis. I've always been healthy and strong. Not any more! Please, please, research this drug.

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Sorry, I could now write a book on heart problems, I had to have open heart surgery. I never had high cholesterol and had been told 1 yr. previous my heart was fine. I have breathing problems, I'm now on oxygen at night and a nebulizer. No stamina. And forget walking more than 500 ft now.


Hi. At 58, I was also recommended to get Reclast infusion for Osteoporosis. I was on Fosamax, but it made my Esophagitis / LPR worse and so this medication was stopped a week ago. I know I need to resume something, and the scheduling of Reclast is in the works. I am worried, as do not like the idea of a once a year infusion and the side effects seem to be more with this treatment option. I also have upcoming dental work that needs to be done, which I understand is one of those risks. I may wait until that is done. Just looking for some more recent Reclast experiences and knowledge. Thanks.


Hi. At 58, I was also recommended to get Reclast infusion for Osteoporosis. I was on Fosamax, but it made my Esophagitis / LPR worse and so this medication was stopped a week ago. I know I need to resume something, and the scheduling of Reclast is in the works. I am worried, as do not like the idea of a once a year infusion and the side effects seem to be more with this treatment option. I also have upcoming dental work that needs to be done, which I understand is one of those risks. I may wait until that is done. Just looking for some more recent Reclast experiences and knowledge. Thanks.

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I am facing Reclast also. When I complete my uneventful year on Evenity in May, I go on Reclast.
Apparently, the patient can request a reduced dose of Reclast. When I return to the infusion center for
Evenity injections #10, I plan to ask them about this.


I am facing Reclast also. When I complete my uneventful year on Evenity in May, I go on Reclast.
Apparently, the patient can request a reduced dose of Reclast. When I return to the infusion center for
Evenity injections #10, I plan to ask them about this.

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Please keep us informed if they do reduce the dose of reclast . Wishing you the best .


I had reclast last Friday and woke up Sunday with pain in bones, joints and muscle. Also been having headaches. I am very tired. I have a hematoma from the injection and I feel there must of been some leaking from the IV. It is very painful. The swelling has gone down, but it all the way up to the side of my elbow. They didn't tell me to drink a lot of water. I feel that would of helped not have these side effects. My pain is better today, but still there.

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Many of you have already read some of my posts-but for those for those of you who have not read them-
I had a Reclast infusion a year ago this month. My first side effects were horrible bone pain throughout my body. I could not sleep -all I could do was pace the floor. I had this horrible bone pain for 2 weeks. Side affects did start to subside but it did not go away completely. I had horrible headaches, insomnia, jaw pain, night sweats, fatigue, chills, a rash, feet and hands swollen, and back pain. By last September I was experiencing less severe side affects but as of now I still have many of them but to a lesser degree.
I can handle pain-I have had two knee replacements and was not able to take any pain pills as I am allergic to anything that is morphine based. I had a hard time handling all of the above symptoms.
I am still not sleeping and one symptom they do not discuss is the possibility of developing Hypoparathyroidism. I have just been diagnosed with the same. I am 75 yrs. old and have now decided to live with osteoporosis as losing 6 months of activity is not for me. I was working out 2 hrs a day before Reclast and I am just now getting back to a scheduled work out.
I understand not everyone has such a severe reaction to Reclast-I normally have a difficult time with any medications-but just be cautious.


Many of you have already read some of my posts-but for those for those of you who have not read them-
I had a Reclast infusion a year ago this month. My first side effects were horrible bone pain throughout my body. I could not sleep -all I could do was pace the floor. I had this horrible bone pain for 2 weeks. Side affects did start to subside but it did not go away completely. I had horrible headaches, insomnia, jaw pain, night sweats, fatigue, chills, a rash, feet and hands swollen, and back pain. By last September I was experiencing less severe side affects but as of now I still have many of them but to a lesser degree.
I can handle pain-I have had two knee replacements and was not able to take any pain pills as I am allergic to anything that is morphine based. I had a hard time handling all of the above symptoms.
I am still not sleeping and one symptom they do not discuss is the possibility of developing Hypoparathyroidism. I have just been diagnosed with the same. I am 75 yrs. old and have now decided to live with osteoporosis as losing 6 months of activity is not for me. I was working out 2 hrs a day before Reclast and I am just now getting back to a scheduled work out.
I understand not everyone has such a severe reaction to Reclast-I normally have a difficult time with any medications-but just be cautious.

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It changed my life my body has never been the same. Sounds like what you have been going through. But no one listens


I feel like a broken record but please, please report this if you have not done so already. WindyShores had a prompt reply when she reported a problem.

"You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088."


It changed my life my body has never been the same. Sounds like what you have been going through. But no one listens

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I am so sorry that you experienced some of the same side effects. You did, however, validate for me that I am not crazy. I know my body will never be the same as well. I have always been a very high energy person. We lived in a resort community in AZ. I went to swim workout for an hour, water, yoga, and rode my bike 5 or 6 miles daily until the infusion. Now I can't sleep and I am constantly fatigued. I am not the type that is prone to depression so that has not happened to me. When I try to tell a Dr. what the medicine did to me I am always asked if I am depressed. No I am pissed! Very different from depressed. Again, I am sorry to hear that you have gone through a similar change due to Reclast. God Bless you and let's hope that our comments save some others from getting Reclast infusions.

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