Does anybody have good results taking Azilect as a mono therapy?
Hi does anybody have good results taking Azilect as a mono therapy in early PD? Some say it also slows PD progression. I have moderate tremor of my left hand and arm. Thanks.
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Walking is always good. I do several yoga positions, stretches, and I have a Bowflex resistance trainer where I do a range of not overwhelming exercises. I also do some light weights and a medicine ball for a few exercises as well. I occasionally change them up. Additionally I have a speed bag and a 40 pound punching bag. All of the above in about 25 minutes about 4 - 5 days a week. After that for cardio I either ride my bicycle for about 4 miles or I do my elliptical for at least 15 - 25 minutes depending on how I feel. I always start off slow and work up but I never kill myself. I am a big believer in the elliptical and have been using that for years. If I don't feel well, maybe a headache or something else bothering me after about 15 minutes on the elliptical I feel like a new man.
It is a lot easier on the body than a treadmill. Good luck with whatever you can do and don't hurt yourself by tying to do to much especially at first.
Thank-you for this info.....very helpful!
You're welcome!
<p>What are the advantages of taking only Azilect during the very early stages of Parkinson’s?</p>
Hi, @psvantx - I wanted to let you know I moved your post on taking only rasagiline (Azilect) during very early stages of Parkinson's to this discussion where you were posting previously on a similar topic.
A couple of other Connect members who have mentioned rasagiline (Azilect) include @anna1060 @tllaes @ggopher. They may have some thoughts on taking this medication alone at the early stages of Parkinson's.
Are you taking only azilect at this point? If so, are you wondering about adding another medication?
My dr told me the diet restrictions had been removed!
I have taken Azilect now for about 6 + years and I am still doing quite well. However, I would add that I exercise daily. My neurologist also sent me to physical therapy and they have given me about a dozen new low impact stretches and exercise's that have been life changing. They are to help with balance and posture. Good posture helps a lot in improving balance. Some are directed at opening my chest muscles up to give my lungs the ability to breath more deeply easier and greatly adds to my range of motion. I HIGHLY recommend the opportunity. Some of them are; Standing Heel raises, single leg stance, Sidelying truck rotation, Eccentric heel raises, Bridging, Bridge marching, standing hip flexor stretch - knee on chair, Pectoral stretch with raised arm at 90 degrees, Air squat;, standing retraction I's, Y's and T's with air squat, chin tuck with over pressure, and or chin tuck - supine, clasped hand flexion - supine and the following with stretch bands ( yellow and red) Elastic hand rows,, Elastic band scapular retractions with mini shoulder extensions. Lower trap Y with band. I also use a metronome about 75 beats per minute make large steps up and back using a hand rail. Also large steps, sideways lifting your knees high and walking with high knees. Sounds like a lot but I do all of them and have improved so much and I feel so much better BUT don't start feeling to good mentally because YOU still can fall with dire consequences. All off these can be found on the internet. Good luck and Happy Easter!!
My dr. said that diet is no longer in effect! 🤷♀️🤷♀️
For those of you who would like some sample exercises for PD, Youtube has a lot of them. Here is one sample video. There are some such for hands, etc.
Thank-you! 👍