Does anybody have good results taking Azilect as a mono therapy?

Posted by burgle @burgle, May 4, 2016

Hi does anybody have good results taking Azilect as a mono therapy in early PD? Some say it also slows PD progression. I have moderate tremor of my left hand and arm. Thanks.

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Hi @burgle and @ggopher. We took your questions to a Mayo Clinic pharmacist.

@burgle, with respect to Azilect slowing the progression of Parkinson's she writes: "There is some evidence that Azilect may have neuroprotective effects that delay onset of symptoms and progression of neuronal deterioration. It is not well known if this is noticeable to patients or not."

@ggopher, as for your question about interactions with certain foods, she writes:
"Azilect is a Monamine Oxidase B Inhibitor (MAO B Inhibitor). With non-selective MAO inhibitors, or those drugs that inhibit both MAO A and B, there can be severe interactions with tyramine containing foods. These types of foods are aged cheeses, cured meats, sauerkraut, soy sauce and draft beers. Food that has been improperly stored or spoiled may also interact with the medicine. These interactions may lead to severe increases in blood pressure. While this should only occur with the nonselective MAO inhibitors, the product information with Azilect recommends avoiding foods that have very high tyramine amounts (more than 150 mg). Additionally, at doses higher than 1 mg per day, Azilect becomes more non-selective, so the risk of interaction with tyramine containing foods is increased. Basically, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about the dietary restrictions unless you eat a lot of the aged cheeses, cured meats, etc, but it is good to be cautious."

As always I have to add: "There may also be drug interactions with Azilect, so it is important to discuss all of your medications with your doctor or pharmacist before starting this one."

Hope this helps. Have a good long weekend.

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Hi Colleen,<br><br>Thank you so much. The summary certainly looks encouraging. I'll do some more reading in the referenced material, but it looks like I can talk myself into trying the Azilect.<br><br>I've had various opinions from various nurses, haven't tried a pharmacist (Tricare/Express Scripts so it is a call and not eye-to-eye) and can probably link up with a dietician through my medical/hospital group. I have PD group in a week and I will bring it up then, but it is sponsored by the same folks that have me confused now. <br><br>I'll keep you posted.<br><br>Steve


@ggopher I'd appreciate your getting back to me on whatever information you find out and what you decide. In the meantime, I'm going to keep digging around too.

Hey @burgle. How are you doing? We haven't heard from you since you started this great thread about Azilect. Have you decided to take it?


@burgle Just wanted to follow up with you to see if you changed to the new medication. If so, how is it working for you. Also, @ggopher and @trouble4343 how are you doing with your medication treatment? All of us @chrisj2491 @denie57 @johnjames @tntredhead @aperob @caryp43 and @macbeth @knightkris would enjoy hearing from you.


Gave it the 'old college try' but like all the other meds that end in "olol" after 5-6 weeks they stopped working and I'm shaking badly and looking again. I just might see if I can go through the same "olol's" I did before but if they work at the beginning, I'll switch to a different one before they stop working.


@burgle Just wanted to follow up with you to see if you changed to the new medication. If so, how is it working for you. Also, @ggopher and @trouble4343 how are you doing with your medication treatment? All of us @chrisj2491 @denie57 @johnjames @tntredhead @aperob @caryp43 and @macbeth @knightkris would enjoy hearing from you.

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I used to take a MAO I for bipolar depression and the list of foods I couldn't eat (or drink) was LONG!


@trouble4343 Thanks for your feedback and response. Keep us in the loop as to how your meds are working for you. We all learn from each other! Teresa


<p>What are the advantages of taking only Azilect during the very early stages of Parkinson’s?</p>

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I have been on Azilect for about 7 years and along with exercise has kept Parkinson’s from getting worse. I’m a believer


I have been on Azilect for about 7 years and along with exercise has kept Parkinson’s from getting worse. I’m a believer

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@safari1949 I agree with you! The combination of meds and exercise (very important to exercise on a regular basis) is a great combination!


I have been on Azilect for about 7 years and along with exercise has kept Parkinson’s from getting worse. I’m a believer

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Music to my ears.....thank-you so much! 😘


@safari1949 I agree with you! The combination of meds and exercise (very important to exercise on a regular basis) is a great combination!

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Thank-you.....I walk a lot on a daily basis....6,000-10,000 steps. What type exercises do you do?

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