Does anybody have good results taking Azilect as a mono therapy?
Hi does anybody have good results taking Azilect as a mono therapy in early PD? Some say it also slows PD progression. I have moderate tremor of my left hand and arm. Thanks.
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Hi Colleen,<br><br>Thank you so much. The summary certainly looks encouraging. I'll do some more reading in the referenced material, but it looks like I can talk myself into trying the Azilect.<br><br>I've had various opinions from various nurses, haven't tried a pharmacist (Tricare/Express Scripts so it is a call and not eye-to-eye) and can probably link up with a dietician through my medical/hospital group. I have PD group in a week and I will bring it up then, but it is sponsored by the same folks that have me confused now. <br><br>I'll keep you posted.<br><br>Steve
@ggopher I'd appreciate your getting back to me on whatever information you find out and what you decide. In the meantime, I'm going to keep digging around too.
Hey @burgle. How are you doing? We haven't heard from you since you started this great thread about Azilect. Have you decided to take it?
@burgle Just wanted to follow up with you to see if you changed to the new medication. If so, how is it working for you. Also, @ggopher and @trouble4343 how are you doing with your medication treatment? All of us @chrisj2491 @denie57 @johnjames @tntredhead @aperob @caryp43 and @macbeth @knightkris would enjoy hearing from you.
Gave it the 'old college try' but like all the other meds that end in "olol" after 5-6 weeks they stopped working and I'm shaking badly and looking again. I just might see if I can go through the same "olol's" I did before but if they work at the beginning, I'll switch to a different one before they stop working.
I used to take a MAO I for bipolar depression and the list of foods I couldn't eat (or drink) was LONG!
@trouble4343 Thanks for your feedback and response. Keep us in the loop as to how your meds are working for you. We all learn from each other! Teresa
I have been on Azilect for about 7 years and along with exercise has kept Parkinson’s from getting worse. I’m a believer
@safari1949 I agree with you! The combination of meds and exercise (very important to exercise on a regular basis) is a great combination!
Music to my ears.....thank-you so much! 😘
Thank-you.....I walk a lot on a daily basis....6,000-10,000 steps. What type exercises do you do?