Has anyone had the 2023 updated Covid shot?

Posted by lovesgreys @lovesgreys, Oct 18, 2023

Does anyone have experience with the new booster shot? If so, what has been your experience? My intergrative doctor said the booster shot will be hard on my body right now. She also said getting sick would be the same. Her treatments are helping me, and I'm improving. I don't want a shot to set me back, but also don't want Covid, which would also set me back, plus - well, Covid. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get it. I'm up on all of my shots until now. I've had LC for a year. I would love to hear if anyone has gotten the shot, and how it's affected them.

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I’ve never had the mRNA vax, but did have one shot of J&J’s Covid vax. I’ve had Covid twice, last in Nov/Dec 2021, the Delta variant which almost killed me, had pneumonia with it. Didn’t go in hosp as I was afraid to, no matter what. I had oxygen at home already, antibiotics for the pneumonia, and some other treatments. Then I had have LC ever since. I research all the time. I would take the Novavax Covid vax as it’s not a mRNA vax, but I can’t find it locally. That where I stand at present, while I try to treat the damaged and destroyed mitochondria with certain supplements as I’m exhausted all the time. I only go out of house for medical appts and always mask up with N95 mask and glove up with clean white cotton gloves, when I go to appts.

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I did Novavax in December at Costco as I was having surgery the first week of January. I got with no appointment needed. Just called to confirm hours. You do not need to be a member of Costco. I had zero issues with vaccination.

This is Novavax site for finding appointments:


I just came upon this and was wondering if you got the Covid booster in the fall of 2023? I'm a 69 y/o male and have had all the mRNA vaccines from Moderna. I think the only reaction I had was the first vaccine, way back in January of 2021. It wasn't much,I was just fatigued the day after.

Why did your Dr. not want you to get the booster? Also, what is an "integrative Dr."? Is this a real MD? I'm very leery of holistic advice. Much of it is good, but people who practice holistic medicine are rarely MDs.

I only ask because I have never heard a medical Dr. suggest avoiding the Covid vaccine or the boosters. I did catch Covid early in 2023, but it was mild (I've had worse colds). But I also find that different people can have very different reactions.

Anyway I'm curious as to what you did and how it turned out. All the best!!! Joe


I’m 68. I had the original shot & every booster.
My intergrative doctor is an M.D. who practiced family medicine for 20 years before she got the additional training to go in this new direction. I love that about her, and it’s the reason I feel comfortable going to her.
Her concern about me getting the latest booster was that my body is in a weakened state, so introducing anything - the vaccine or an illness - would put a lot of stress on it. She wanted me to make the choice that felt right to me, but with that knowledge. What I found interesting & surprising was that my regular doctor, who is very pro-vaccine, didn’t disagree with her.
In the end, I got the shot. I was too uncomfortable not getting it. My only reaction was a sore arm. I don’t feel like it has weakened me.

My intergrative doctor is treating me with energy work. It might sound strange, but it’s surprising how strongly my body reacts after each session.
She’s also working alongside my nutritionist who is treating me with diet & supplements. I still have long covid, but I’ve improved a LOT.


I’m 68. I had the original shot & every booster.
My intergrative doctor is an M.D. who practiced family medicine for 20 years before she got the additional training to go in this new direction. I love that about her, and it’s the reason I feel comfortable going to her.
Her concern about me getting the latest booster was that my body is in a weakened state, so introducing anything - the vaccine or an illness - would put a lot of stress on it. She wanted me to make the choice that felt right to me, but with that knowledge. What I found interesting & surprising was that my regular doctor, who is very pro-vaccine, didn’t disagree with her.
In the end, I got the shot. I was too uncomfortable not getting it. My only reaction was a sore arm. I don’t feel like it has weakened me.

My intergrative doctor is treating me with energy work. It might sound strange, but it’s surprising how strongly my body reacts after each session.
She’s also working alongside my nutritionist who is treating me with diet & supplements. I still have long covid, but I’ve improved a LOT.

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Thank you! That makes sense - not getting the vaccine in a susceptible state. That said, I'm glad you got it with no problem.

I think it's great you're also working with a nutritionist. People of all ages can benefit by simply eating better.

Thanks again for your response!


Sorry, but the mRNA vaccines aren’t really vaccines. They don’t prevent you from getting Covid, nor prevent you from getting sick and even dying from Covid. That’s what real vaccines are supposed to do to be called “vaccines”. These mRNA shots are experimental genetic engineering profit-making experiments.

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Say it like it is. 👍🏼


I’m 68. I had the original shot & every booster.
My intergrative doctor is an M.D. who practiced family medicine for 20 years before she got the additional training to go in this new direction. I love that about her, and it’s the reason I feel comfortable going to her.
Her concern about me getting the latest booster was that my body is in a weakened state, so introducing anything - the vaccine or an illness - would put a lot of stress on it. She wanted me to make the choice that felt right to me, but with that knowledge. What I found interesting & surprising was that my regular doctor, who is very pro-vaccine, didn’t disagree with her.
In the end, I got the shot. I was too uncomfortable not getting it. My only reaction was a sore arm. I don’t feel like it has weakened me.

My intergrative doctor is treating me with energy work. It might sound strange, but it’s surprising how strongly my body reacts after each session.
She’s also working alongside my nutritionist who is treating me with diet & supplements. I still have long covid, but I’ve improved a LOT.

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Can you tell me more about energy work?


I am 75, and I have received Every Covid shot and vaccine, injections! No reaction or ill effects eveer! Even with the last one in fall of 2023! I Believe in the science of getting the Covid vaccines!


Can you tell me more about energy work?

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I’ve never practiced any kind of energy work, so I can’t really explain it. What I’ve done is had energy work done on myself & my animals. Mostly it’s been Reiki. With Reiki, the most calming & relaxing energy you can imagine comes from the hands of the practitioner. Not only do I feel it, I see my animals respond to it. When the practitioner comes to my house to work with me or my dogs, my cat will come running from wherever she is, & go right up to the practitioner to get her share. She aims it at the person or animal she’s there to give it to, but that energy fill the room.

The energy work I’m getting right now is a bit different. I don’t know what the difference is. The doctor has her hands on me. She’s reaching specific parts of my body. While it’s happening, I don’t feel anything. It’s not the relaxing, putting you to sleep calmness of Reiki.
The first few times I had it done, I felt terrible for several days afterwords, so I could tell that my body was reacting to it. My doctor said that was normal, and you can feel like you have the flu. Now my body isn’t responding as strongly. I come home & sleep the day away, and feel fine when I wake up.

I’ve had knots in my shoulders. They’re so hard that they can’t get massaged out. I’ve had them for years. Since I’ve been getting these energy treatments, they’ve disappeared. She’s not working on these knots. I don’t think she knows I have them. Still, that’s been one of the side effects that’s let me know there are changes happening in my body. And of course the fact that I’m improving.


I’ve had long Covid for a year after getting the first shots early in 2021. I was finally recovering from inflamed joints, stomach, distress, and fatigue when I got the new booster in fall 2023. Although symptoms came back. My shoulder joints, knee and thumb are inflamed again and I just had surgery on my right knee. Stomach distress is returned. Fatigue is better, but I am not going to get another shot of Covid. I am convinced it triggered all of the long Covid symptoms I had again. There’s something about the booster that just didn’t help me. So I’ve had all the shots up till now, but I am finished.


I’ve had long Covid for a year after getting the first shots early in 2021. I was finally recovering from inflamed joints, stomach, distress, and fatigue when I got the new booster in fall 2023. Although symptoms came back. My shoulder joints, knee and thumb are inflamed again and I just had surgery on my right knee. Stomach distress is returned. Fatigue is better, but I am not going to get another shot of Covid. I am convinced it triggered all of the long Covid symptoms I had again. There’s something about the booster that just didn’t help me. So I’ve had all the shots up till now, but I am finished.

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@dawniepoo You are not alone. I contracted LC after my Moderna Booster in November '21. Still suffering from LC, better, but not 100%. No more boosters for me. Wish you the best.

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