Swollen feet and ankles

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Jul 23, 2022

Hello, all!

I've been here many times before, but always with questions about my increasingly wobbly balance. While that problem remains pretty much unchanged (I'm now seeing a physiatrist), this morning I have a new question: swollen feet and ankles. Briefly, I first noticed that my left foot was puffy about two months ago, but with no pain. Since then, the swelling spread to my left ankle. Now my right foot and ankle are both swollen. But again: no pain (just the puffiness). I have talked to my PCP about this; she has advised me to cut way, way back on salt, coffee (including decaf), and sugar (that's easy for me: I don't like sugary anything); also, to drink plenty of water and get exercise. A little about me: I'm 77. I take three Rx medications: Amlodipine & Losartan for blood pressure (long since under control), and Diclofenac for arthritic knees. I and my partner eat what I would consider a healthy diet: a combo Mediterranean and DASH diet (to keep my BP in check). Does any of this sound like a situation you're facing, or have remedied? I would welcome hearing from anyone with experience with swollen feet and ankles.

Ray (@ray666)

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I too had swollen feet and ankles. I was taking HCTZ, Telmisartan,and Amlodipine. After a Google search of these BP medications, I found that edema was often a side effect of Amlodipine. There are two categories of Calcium Channel Blockers: the dihydropyridines ( Amlodipine and Nifedipine ,) and the non-dihydropyridines( Diltiazem and Verapamil). The former are more likely to cause edema. After discussion with my cardiologist, My medication was changed from Amlodipine to Diltiazem. I no longer have the edema.

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@abaker25, thank you for your post! I'm going to ask my PCP about Amlodipine and swelling. It was my PCP who put me on Amlodipine, and I know she's been puzzled for several years about my 'mysterious swelling.' I'm going to ask her if I might switch to Diltiazem. –Ray (@ray666)


Thanks for asking this question Ray. I’m in the same boat. Re: diclophenic, my doc prescribed it as needed,” not a daily med. And my 2 rotten knees are still not bothering me. Seeing the Amlodepine responses here is of interest. I too am wondering if this is due to my current drug cocktail, family genetics, or something else. Good luck with your quest.


Thanks for asking this question Ray. I’m in the same boat. Re: diclophenic, my doc prescribed it as needed,” not a daily med. And my 2 rotten knees are still not bothering me. Seeing the Amlodepine responses here is of interest. I too am wondering if this is due to my current drug cocktail, family genetics, or something else. Good luck with your quest.

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Hello, pegc159. I have found these recent posts to be truly thought-provoking. I'm going to do a little experiment on myself. I've been taking Amlodipine 5 mg (1 x daily) for hypertension (which seems to have been under control for years, perhaps thanks to the Amlodipine) and Diclofenac 75 mg (2 x daily) for knee "pain." I've put "pain" in quotation marks because it's hardly debilitating pain. My left knee has arthritis (not enough to warrant surgery), and my right knee is a titanium implant (the "pain" there is soft tissue discomfort). I've decided to do without the Diclofenac for a number of days to see if the swelling goes down. If it does, I'll inform my orthopedic's NP and see what she says. I believe I can live quite well with Diclofenac. I'll keep you posted. And please let me know if you make some discoveries and if any help. ––Ray


@ray666 I’m not qualified to give medical advice but there were no problems for me in discontinuing it, except it provided good pain relief for my arthritis in my back and my pain all came back. I wish I could take it. If that happens to you with your knee, you’d have the option to start it again. And you’d be able to tell if that was the cause of your feet/ankles swelling.


@ray666 I’m not qualified to give medical advice but there were no problems for me in discontinuing it, except it provided good pain relief for my arthritis in my back and my pain all came back. I wish I could take it. If that happens to you with your knee, you’d have the option to start it again. And you’d be able to tell if that was the cause of your feet/ankles swelling.

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My thinking precisely!

Have a pleasant evening.


I had some swelling in one leg beginning 25 years after my last birth. Since then this leg swells. I’ve asked my doctor about it. Nothing is ever done, treated like it’s in my head. Now I have numbness setting in in my foot going up my lower leg. I continue to have some swelling. I do have occasional severe cramping in that foot and calf that wakes me up. Any suggestions or ideas on what I should do?


Hi, My liver enzyme ALT is elevated, is there any advice you can give me, I don’t drink alcohol.

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This seems like a question for your doctor. There a many unusual diseases that can cause this.


Same problem - have taken amalopine for years. Got off it and swelling immediately went away. Blood pressure held so am monitoring now.


I had some swelling in one leg beginning 25 years after my last birth. Since then this leg swells. I’ve asked my doctor about it. Nothing is ever done, treated like it’s in my head. Now I have numbness setting in in my foot going up my lower leg. I continue to have some swelling. I do have occasional severe cramping in that foot and calf that wakes me up. Any suggestions or ideas on what I should do?

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I am sorry; I just started with edema of my lower legs & feet last summer. They are still swollen now, but not bad. I know heat and humidity affect our bodies. I am afraid of what this summer will bring.

I walk every day, and no medications that would cause it except Prolia.
I go to acupuncture and therapy and use essential oils daily. I am allergic to a lot of drugs and have to use natural treatments. Going to a new doctor who said that is not a side effect. There are side effects from any drug we put in our bodies; otherwise, they would not list side effects on the prescriptions.

I am trying to find proof to bring to a new doctor.


I am sorry; I just started with edema of my lower legs & feet last summer. They are still swollen now, but not bad. I know heat and humidity affect our bodies. I am afraid of what this summer will bring.

I walk every day, and no medications that would cause it except Prolia.
I go to acupuncture and therapy and use essential oils daily. I am allergic to a lot of drugs and have to use natural treatments. Going to a new doctor who said that is not a side effect. There are side effects from any drug we put in our bodies; otherwise, they would not list side effects on the prescriptions.

I am trying to find proof to bring to a new doctor.

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Let me know what you find out.

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