Swollen feet and ankles

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Jul 23, 2022

Hello, all!

I've been here many times before, but always with questions about my increasingly wobbly balance. While that problem remains pretty much unchanged (I'm now seeing a physiatrist), this morning I have a new question: swollen feet and ankles. Briefly, I first noticed that my left foot was puffy about two months ago, but with no pain. Since then, the swelling spread to my left ankle. Now my right foot and ankle are both swollen. But again: no pain (just the puffiness). I have talked to my PCP about this; she has advised me to cut way, way back on salt, coffee (including decaf), and sugar (that's easy for me: I don't like sugary anything); also, to drink plenty of water and get exercise. A little about me: I'm 77. I take three Rx medications: Amlodipine & Losartan for blood pressure (long since under control), and Diclofenac for arthritic knees. I and my partner eat what I would consider a healthy diet: a combo Mediterranean and DASH diet (to keep my BP in check). Does any of this sound like a situation you're facing, or have remedied? I would welcome hearing from anyone with experience with swollen feet and ankles.

Ray (@ray666)

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Ray about 4 months back I suffered from gastritis as I was recovering I had chest pain that subsided but then all hell broke loose I had swollen right foot and ankle and then the left one let me mention that I never had a sedentary lifestyle but to cut it short had some tests done had a failed blood glucose and was diagnosed with heart failure so my suggestion to you is please have your fasting blood sugar checked together with hb1ac and talk to a consultant


@judithlynne I am not familiar with amlodipine. I did take losartan quite a while ago for a few years but did not have any noticeable side effects from it. I'm sorry those medications are causing you such problems.

I was able to have my PCP give me a prescription for half of the smallest dose available of Lasix, and that seems to be helping with the swelling. It's funny because I take it in the morning and I don't really notice that I am urinating more but I do have incontinence issues so I have had to urinate frequently prior to taking Lasix.

If you can get a different prescription for your BP, something other than Losartin, would the neuropathy go away? If so I would try to get that changed. From what I have heard neuropathy can be very painful.

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Amlodopone causes swollen ankles cording to the sheet that came with mine. I am no longertakiing iy


I have mild tinnitus I now ignore. Does your "ringing" keep you awake?

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In reply to @jimmy370 "Absolutely!" + (show)


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@ jimmy 470
That sounds VERY troublesome, especially with all the warnings I now hear about the effects of sleep deprivation. Has a competent physician checked out all possible causes? Have you found anything that helps? Keep seeking answers!


@ jimmy 470
That sounds VERY troublesome, especially with all the warnings I now hear about the effects of sleep deprivation. Has a competent physician checked out all possible causes? Have you found anything that helps? Keep seeking answers!

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No yet! I pretty much gave on Drs around here! I'm I'm the Albany NY area. There's no good Drs here! If I had the money I would go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester.

In reply to @jimmy370 "Absolutely!" + (show)


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I had great success with Lipo-Flavenoids. Up front they suggest 2 tablets 3x day and don’t expect results for 3 months. Sounded like a ridiculous sales pitch to me ( a lot of tablets) but I tried it anyway because I was desperate. At just about month 3 it actually abated. I then kept up a maintenance of 2 per day for about a year ( I was afraid to stop as I had such a good result) then stopped. Now I resume 2x daily if I get a hint but within a few days it abates.

Worth a try! Mostly lemon peel and other non pharma ingredients.

Costco has a really decent price (Costco online too) .

Good luck 🍀


My brother in law had a similar problem. In his case it is only one foot that is swollen. He was a size 12 shoe but now has to wear a size 15. The doctor has told him to elevate his foot above the heart and to to walk more. He is 84 and lives in a nursing home where walking is not allowed. They keep him in a wheelchair. Hope this was in some way helpful...good luck !


My brother in law had a similar problem. In his case it is only one foot that is swollen. He was a size 12 shoe but now has to wear a size 15. The doctor has told him to elevate his foot above the heart and to to walk more. He is 84 and lives in a nursing home where walking is not allowed. They keep him in a wheelchair. Hope this was in some way helpful...good luck !

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Shocking and frightening to hear of such a nursing home restriction - clearly not in the patients' best interests, but rather to economize on staff and protect their liability.

I have many health problems increasing with age, but nevertheless maintain relative function in all areas because of regular exercise however hard it is to keep it up (It's an eye disease bound to lead to blindness eventually, that makes me fear becoming unable to continue manage living alone at home.) It's my primary medicine warding off deterioration in all areas.

Is there no way to place your BIL in a different facility, that includes
exercise, at the very least, walking? His doctor him/herself prescribes it among other reasons, to combat the swelling. An imposed completely sedentary existence is a slow death sentence. How could this be legal?


I had great success with Lipo-Flavenoids. Up front they suggest 2 tablets 3x day and don’t expect results for 3 months. Sounded like a ridiculous sales pitch to me ( a lot of tablets) but I tried it anyway because I was desperate. At just about month 3 it actually abated. I then kept up a maintenance of 2 per day for about a year ( I was afraid to stop as I had such a good result) then stopped. Now I resume 2x daily if I get a hint but within a few days it abates.

Worth a try! Mostly lemon peel and other non pharma ingredients.

Costco has a really decent price (Costco online too) .

Good luck 🍀

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I tried them for 6 months didn't do anything!


Shocking and frightening to hear of such a nursing home restriction - clearly not in the patients' best interests, but rather to economize on staff and protect their liability.

I have many health problems increasing with age, but nevertheless maintain relative function in all areas because of regular exercise however hard it is to keep it up (It's an eye disease bound to lead to blindness eventually, that makes me fear becoming unable to continue manage living alone at home.) It's my primary medicine warding off deterioration in all areas.

Is there no way to place your BIL in a different facility, that includes
exercise, at the very least, walking? His doctor him/herself prescribes it among other reasons, to combat the swelling. An imposed completely sedentary existence is a slow death sentence. How could this be legal?

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Sadly it's the norm I think in all nursing homes. My mom was in a rehab/nursing home for a few months and not only to they request that you stay in a wheelchair but if you are older they put you in diapers. My mom was getting in constant trouble because she tried to get up and go to the bathroom. She was never the same.
Now my brother in law is lucky in many ways. The place he is in is very clean, does not smell and has an excellent caring staff. He can get physical therapy a few times a week if he wants to go. It can't compensate for being wheelchair bound but it's better than nothing.
I am very sorry to read about your health problems but I admire your spirit and determination to continue with regular exercise. You sound like a strong person...good luck !

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