How to reduce my events while using my Cpap

Posted by alan bruce @alanbruce, Feb 25, 2019

I track my events, usage, seal and total score daily on Myair which is a Resmed product. I have used a Cpap machine for about 6 months and have had good success however my events seem stay below 5 for a few days and then jumps up to 8 or 9 for a day and then goes back to below 5.. It seems to be a regular pattern however I have not been able to determine why my events go up. Any suggestions are ideas on how to reduce my events would be great.

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I used to sleep on my side. Ever since having a stroke, however, I sleep flat on my back.

In my case, the flatter the better.

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Thank you. Anyone else have a comment about this?


I used to sleep on my side. Ever since having a stroke, however, I sleep flat on my back.

In my case, the flatter the better.

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My spouse also sleeps on his back with his head somewhat elevated. Is it better to raise or lower the head when sleeping on one's back?


My spouse also sleeps on his back with his head somewhat elevated. Is it better to raise or lower the head when sleeping on one's back?

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Everybody is different. The advantage I get from being flat is that it helps me with nasal congestion. (Some nights I used a Breathe-Right nose strip, too.)

I will often fall asleep sitting up while watching TV late at night, and I don't seem to have trouble breathing then.

Sleep is very problematic for me. Ever since my stroke five years ago, I am so tormented by pain 24/7 that I can't stay asleep for more than a couple of hours.


Raising the pressure by 1 reduced my events the past 2 days to 2.7 and 2.7 so far so good.

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14.8 to 20 works best for me. Keeps 95% flow limit under 0.10 where you want to be.


Try a soft cervical collar. learn to use OSCAR to analyze your data. If your # of obstructive events look like this on the graph //// /////// / ///// you are chin tucking, closing the airway. Worked for me.


Try a soft cervical collar. learn to use OSCAR to analyze your data. If your # of obstructive events look like this on the graph //// /////// / ///// you are chin tucking, closing the airway. Worked for me.

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OSCAR for me has been a very useful thing especially when the time in synched with my fitness tracker. It allows one to see if changes they make to their routine help or not. It takes a bit to understand the graphs and the event types, but it's worth the time.

I found that my sleep events are terrible when sleeping on my back and good when on my side. Like night and day. A soft collar didn't help with my chin-tucking, although it does for many.

Also when I get a cluster of obstructive apnea events, it usually wakes me up - as in a "get out of bed, make a stop in the bathroom and go back to bed" awake.

Also found few to no large leaks, but several non-large leaks which adjusting the mask a bit tighter helped.

Sleep med had bumped my pressure from 8 to 9, then 9 to 10, which didn't help much if at all, so I'm seeking a bump up to 11. Doc wants me to sleep on my back, but pain forces changing to my side, then changing to the other side and back to the back. - then repeat. It's a bit similar to sleeping on a rotisserie!

I was kidding with my sleep med doc about having a "million dollar idea" of building an AI app to analyze the plethora of CPAP data and make a recommendation.


I just got my CPap machine and have been using it for 6 days. The first 3 days were good . My AHi was around 5 every night. The fourth night it was closer to 10 and then the fifth night it was up to 19. The sixth night it was back down under 5. I have the nasal pillow mask. According to my air report, my mask seal is good. Any suggestions ?


I just got my CPap machine and have been using it for 6 days. The first 3 days were good . My AHi was around 5 every night. The fourth night it was closer to 10 and then the fifth night it was up to 19. The sixth night it was back down under 5. I have the nasal pillow mask. According to my air report, my mask seal is good. Any suggestions ?

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I would suggest giving it a little more time. It takes a while to adjust to it.

I don't think your experience is terribly unusual.

Those statistics are just data, not actual information. Aside from the numbers, how do you feel?

Anecdotally, I've heard that people give up on machines after just a couple of nights, which is hardly fair.

Hang in there.


I would suggest giving it a little more time. It takes a while to adjust to it.

I don't think your experience is terribly unusual.

Those statistics are just data, not actual information. Aside from the numbers, how do you feel?

Anecdotally, I've heard that people give up on machines after just a couple of nights, which is hardly fair.

Hang in there.

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@scottrl The first few nights , i woke up feeling more energetic. The last few nights i don’t seem to have that burst of energy. I am going to continue to use the Cpap. Thanks for your encouragement.


I also use the app MyAir. The number of events I experience are also erratic yet the seal remains good. I sleep on my side yet the events have increased dramatically. All the applications are sent to auto yet the humidifier uses a great deal of water on occasions and overheats, Any ideas why this is happening?

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