What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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We may have some welcomed rain here today. The sky is cloudy and that’s rare in the desert.
The landscaping crew is here making sure that we hear them. The eternal sound of the leaf blowers is enough to make me crazy.

I bought a metal statue of a cactus at an auction. The flower was chipped so it repainted it on Sunday


That reminds me of what Jack Benny used to say.
“This is the 40th anniversary of my 39th birthday.”

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“39 and holding”


It is January. I’m in central Kentucky. The cold has not arrived yet.
This is my view from dining room window this morning! and one that I took from the road in my pj’s to get the full rainbow.


It is January. I’m in central Kentucky. The cold has not arrived yet.
This is my view from dining room window this morning! and one that I took from the road in my pj’s to get the full rainbow.

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It is January. I’m in central Kentucky. The cold has not arrived yet.
This is my view from dining room window this morning! and one that I took from the road in my pj’s to get the full rainbow.

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Breathtaking Rosemary. Thank you for sharing. God Bless You Lady!


Winter is outside my window today and I love it! I am a winter girl. Christmas decorations are down along with the cleanup that goes with it. The house is back to normal (well as normal as it can be!). Chicken noodle soup is on in the crockpot. I love the smell of winter. I love bundling up in a coat, gloves & scarf and walking outside on days that I can. I would love a little (I said a little!) snow here. I love cooking soups & stews...comfort foods. I love fixing extra to drop off at the doors of those sick with the flu & COVID right now. How that humbles my heart. I love my spoiled cat all curled up and sleeping on these cold days. I love my throw blankets for the family that are so cozy (I feel a nap coming on!). I love the sound of my husband's truck in the afternoon coming home from work. The highlight of my day. I'm loving life & people. Most of all I love the Lord.


It is January. I’m in central Kentucky. The cold has not arrived yet.
This is my view from dining room window this morning! and one that I took from the road in my pj’s to get the full rainbow.

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This is glorious, Rosemary!!! 💕


7 degrees and a few snow flakes falling. No wonder the birdies are fluffing their feathers up. 🥶


Did you get to walk my friend
On the 8 inch soft white cushion fresh
That lay with fresh-fallen woven flakes
To Welcome You ... yielding under your feet
Whispering with soft crunchy sounds beneath
A treat for an empress matching her white gown
And an overstretched white dome above
That sits on seamless horizons intact
Time stops ... my steps move unbidden
Into the still white endless vastness
As the sky envelops the velvet earth


Did you get to walk my friend
On the 8 inch soft white cushion fresh
That lay with fresh-fallen woven flakes
To Welcome You ... yielding under your feet
Whispering with soft crunchy sounds beneath
A treat for an empress matching her white gown
And an overstretched white dome above
That sits on seamless horizons intact
Time stops ... my steps move unbidden
Into the still white endless vastness
As the sky envelops the velvet earth

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During the 62 years I've owned this house on the Oregon coast, it only got down to 32 once...until last week, when we had temps in the 20s for three days, during an ice storm. Lines down everywhere, trucks unable to get over the Coast Range so no meat or dairy or veggies in our few stores. We moved here full time ten years ago, partly to avoid ice/snow during winters. Silly us! Not only did a tree take out power lines right in front of our place, but one of the broken lines was lying across my car, so no way was I going to try to charge my cell phone! It took a tree service FOUR hours to clear trees that had fallen across lines, across the road, and then the power trucks three hours to repair the lines...two days later.

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