Is Dr. Gundry and "leaky gut" a scam?

Posted by millerdust @millerdust, Apr 21, 2023

I want to know if Dr. Gundry's program and medicine for "leaky gut" a scam? Lucien

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Based on my independent reading and research, leaky brain and leaky gut are medical fact.

Both my parents suffered from dementia, which likely stemmed from leaky gut, based on their high gluten and high sugar diet.

I used the Gundry product total restore, and Biocomplete, which I thought to be primarily probiotics (friendly bacteria to aid in digestion.

I am not saying that this probiotic is the best, or the only one to use. Only that it worked for me personally, and there is evidence that eating fermented food, sour dough bread, natural yogurt, etc. support good gut health.

I took the first product for 3 months, along with Biocomplete, with very good results.

My digestive system is working the best it ever has. My sleep is better. My brain is sharper. I have more energy. My weight has gradually gone down. My cravings for sugars are much less. My recent bloodwork came back the best is has ever been.

I also added more foods known to be great sources of prebiotic fiber. This is very important for supporting a healthy gut.

I cannot speak to any other claim or product.


Based on my independent reading and research, leaky brain and leaky gut are medical fact.

Both my parents suffered from dementia, which likely stemmed from leaky gut, based on their high gluten and high sugar diet.

I used the Gundry product total restore, and Biocomplete, which I thought to be primarily probiotics (friendly bacteria to aid in digestion.

I am not saying that this probiotic is the best, or the only one to use. Only that it worked for me personally, and there is evidence that eating fermented food, sour dough bread, natural yogurt, etc. support good gut health.

I took the first product for 3 months, along with Biocomplete, with very good results.

My digestive system is working the best it ever has. My sleep is better. My brain is sharper. I have more energy. My weight has gradually gone down. My cravings for sugars are much less. My recent bloodwork came back the best is has ever been.

I also added more foods known to be great sources of prebiotic fiber. This is very important for supporting a healthy gut.

I cannot speak to any other claim or product.

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My problem with these products and others like these is the cost.


Well, I have been researching anything that can return my regular BM since my intestinal prolapse surgery in October and now I am becoming more than a little concerned. I also read Dr Gundry's excerpts from his book and I think he sounds like he just wants money from people. Not an expert as he calls himself. I don't know what to use anymore because nothing is really working.. Doctors have prescribe the Miralax, Lactulose, Bisacodyl, Phillips Milk of Magnesia (yuk) and other over the counter things- such a waste of money .... the list goes on... I was so desperate last week I bought one of those liquid enema apparatus kits.. but I felt it was too dangerous and that I may harm myself even further... my PCP suggested eating 2 Kiwi's Fruits and at least 64 ounces of warm lemon water per day.. Apparently Kiwi's are the new "Prunes" Yoga and different types of twisting exercises sometimes gets things moving a bit, but none of this gives me the relief that is needed to be normal. I am literally full of ___ !! Today I decided I am no longer eating because it is not being eliminated properly. I can't go on this way any longer.. Each doctor seems to be of no help. This is such a condition that is difficult and embarrassing to talk about, even to a gastrologist .. I don't know... I feel something is terrible wrong.. Please, does anyone have any have any other suggestions about what I can do this weekend? Thank you so much for any response 🙁

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When I was 45 I had a frontal x-ray for something, I don't remember, but my doctor laughing told me I was full of s__t.
I had a constipation problem for a long time. I tried a few "Colonics" and I now poop regularly. I am now 71 and can testify Colonics helped me.


In my opinion everything about him is a scam. He’s probably already selling every vitamin known to man to try and make up some of the nutrients in the foods he says we shouldn't eat.
As a scientist he should know foods provide more nutrients than supplements.
Save your money. He's looking out for himself not you.

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I totally agree! He is misleading so many people into avoiding eating vegetables and foods that are healthy for us. I can't stand him. I wouldn't be surprised if his degree isn't even real. Or like many doctors, he got his medical "education" long ago and goes by that rather than updated data that refutes what they were taught in the dark ages. Did you know medical doctors get minimal education about nutrition? Yet there he is spouting all that ridiculous misinformation!


My mother ate 3 prunes every day to help her stay regular. That is the number she found was best for her. But with any dry fruit you eat, you have to drink adequate water for it to help with constipation. Exercise helps too. For me, eating greens at least one most days helps.


Dr.Gundy seems to have a shake for every thing.About the lectins I don't know,I grew up on peanut butter and pinto beans.


I've had multiple scheduled and also emergency bowel surgeries so know first-hand of what I speak: First and most importantly--every body is different. Causes and remedies vary depending on those differences. I was surprised to see the level of animus about Gundry but also see why some have drawn such negative conclusions due to the money factor. After years of my own reviews of research done by legitimately well-credentialed researchers, I had already begun in small steps using some of the things they recommended and know for a fact that the ingredients ARE beneficial. I have no personal experience with some, so time will tell. Leaky gut is no joke; it's real, and so are the benefits of the 'foods as medicine. I didn't begin to feel better until I discovered some of them and added them to my normal meal routines. Healing your gut is also about determining what you need to remove from your diet; that too differs from one to another person, e.g., I am not 'supposed to eat potatoes or tomatoes, but when I'm really sick, potatoes are one of the few things I can tolerate. Ditto for tomatoes but I always peel and de-seed them because that's where most of the lectins are. I did purchase the Total Restore because I know the ingredients are what my body has already responded well to on a limited basis with on- and -off-again use. Yeah, I'm also a nurse with a lot of years caring for people and worked with a clinical pathologist too. BTW Gundry isn't the only entity marketing this long list of ingredients; other sources are using similar but the thing they have in common besides the cost is the excellent research.


Dr.Gundy seems to have a shake for every thing.About the lectins I don't know,I grew up on peanut butter and pinto beans.

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Anyone over 50 grew up on foods that are not the same anymore. Their nutritional quality is now lower and they're far more contaminated with toxins. They taste differently too, as even the commercially prepared and even sodas altered recipes and quality of ingredients. We have a safer-from-disease food base in this country but we do not have the same quality anymore.


I think much of the resentment are the lies and half truths he uses to promote his products and when he recommends people stop eating certin healthy foods. Whole foods are more nutritious than supplements. As for beans, which seem to be one of his biggest gripes, if soaked and cooked the lectins are destroyed. Every green vegetable contains lectins and many many other foods.
The good doctor also never explains that the longest living people in the world eat lectins on a regular basis.


Leaky gut is real. What I found helped after extensive testing from my doctor and the aid of her nutritionist was to eliminate gluten (I switched to Udi's breads and sour dough as it is a fermented food), use organic stevia as a sweetener, reduce the number of high sugar products I may be eating (fruit from the berry family is best), add other fermented foods to my diet that includes Kefir and pickles, reduce or eliminate coffee (coffee is one of the dirtiest products - I switched to Lifeboost which is also low in acid and a coffee free of mold and bacteria), reduce or eliminate alcohol. Eat as much organic produce and products as you can.
Become a label reader for every product you buy and look at the ingredients. I look for products that have no more than about 5 ingredients listed that are not chemicals, additives, emulsifiers or unhealthy oils such as soy, sunflower lecithin, safflower lecithin. I use avocado oil or ghee for cooking as they have a high smoke point. Olive oil is good if you are cooking at a low setting and for dressings.
In the dairy department, look for grass-fed products - yogurt, half and half, milk, butters. Or use nut milks that are only made from the nuts and water. I highly recommend Elmhurst nut milks.
All these changes helped heal my leaky gut in addition to learning to control my stress levels which also can contribute to gut issues.

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