We talk about living organ donation a lot on here. Actually, we talk about it more than a lot. We talk about it basically all the time because it’s one way we can rally together and make our nation’s organ shortage a little less dire. There are almost 115,000 Americans waiting for an organ transplant. Sadly, many may never get the call saying that an organ – and a second chance at life – has been found. We can make a difference by educating those around us about living organ donation. Living organ donation isn’t for everyone, but it is for some, and wouldn’t be incredible to be part of saving a life?

Here are three posts from the archives that we encourage you to share with family, friends and acquaintances in your network.
I Want to be a Living Donor – How Do I Start the Process?
Kidney Paired Donation and the Mayo Experience
Am I Too Old to be a Living Liver Donor?
And in case you missed it, last week we posted a Q&A with Living Donor Coordinators Lisa King, R.N. and Kay Kosberg, R.N. from our Rochester, Minnesota campus about the living donor evaluation.
What other topics related to living organ donation would you like to see us cover on the blog?
- Read Jenifer and Maikki's transplant story.
- Visit our living donor toolkit.
- Explore Mayo’s Living Donor Program.
- Request an appointment.