Five Takeaways from the Alzheimer's Association International Conference

Aug 18, 2021 | Nick Rethemeier | @nrethemeier

Last week, the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) took place in a hybrid format. Researchers from around the world shared their knowledge on treatments and strategies designed to further scientific knowledge and provide hope. The Alzheimer's Association recently shared their five takeaways from AAIC:

  • Researchers presented on the long term cognitive impacts of viral infections, including Covid-19, on older adults. Research is ongoing about the connection between Covid-19 and cognitive impairment
  • Multiple presenters revealed the connection between air quality and dementia. The studies suggest that reducing air pollution lowers the risk of dementia.
  • Transgender adults are more likely to report subjective cognitive decline, according to one study. Depression, a risk factor for Alzheimer's, is also more prevalent among transgender and nonbinary adults.
  • The number of people with dementia is expected to triple, from 50 million worldwide to 152 million, by 2050. The primary cause of this increase are heart health risk factors including an increase in smoking, high body mass index, and high blood sugar.
  • There is a need to involve and build trust with traditionally underrepresented groups in dementia research. Underrepresented groups have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's and diverse participation in clinical trials is needed for clinical trials to succeed.

Next year's conference will take place from July 31st to August 4 in San Diego or online. If you are interested in learning more or attending next year's conference, please visit the AAIC website.

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