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892 total results
Discussions (75)
Scar Tissue
I have occasional spark of electrical ... shock from a scar tissue breaking but
Long term muscle twitching, some pain, no help yet
toes sometimes and zingers - painful electric ... shock like pain that jerks my muscle
Two surgeons two completely opposite opinions!
bowel surgeon who said he recommends elective ... Shocked as I've never had any treat
Numbness, twitching, weakness but clean EMG and MRI
Later I would get an electric shock ... My feet would get a shock whenever I ... legs and more on my left but the electric ... shock on my feet going down stairs ... I still had shock getting out of bed
Neuropathy because of cerebral palsy and dead nerves post surgery
numbness and the damaged nerves/ little electric ... shock sensation, every now and then
Generalized Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy over my entire body
I was shocked when she did the nerve ... sporadically worsening - the feeling of electrical
Extreme pain in my feet. Neuropathy
my sneaker on and it felt like the sock ... Adjusted the sock and it was still there ... 2022 I started to get sharp stabbing/electric
Seeking help, information, support...
I also felt like I was wearing a sock ... these intermittent burning sensation/electrical ... shocks in my feet. ... I didn't have the burning pain/electrical
Long-term forearm pain and numbness
radial nerve glide stretches, and small electral ... shock treatments.
Contemplating NOT having suggested gallbladder surgery!
I just had 3 elective surgeries in 3 ... My attitude is one of shock and annoyance
CRPS Question: Itching
I now also get muscle spasms, and electrical ... shocks through out my entire body,
Have you considered treating seizures with D-Leucine and L-Leucine?
researchers induced seizures with an electric ... shock, animals pretreated with either ... developing seizures at notably higher electric
Evenity worked for me: Why I chose medication for osteoporosis
I was shocked to see that my lumbar ... I elected to start with Evenity.
Undiagnosed Autoimmune with back pain, spasms, and stiffness
It felt like a bolt of electricity down ... Then I started having electric like ... shocks in the left side of my face this