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1,079 total results
Comments (919)
Hello @jilltownsend8, Welcome to Connect and thanks for advocating for your Mother. There have been quite...
feet and hands that you may find helpful ... hands and feet: ... search=prednisone+%2Bswelling+hands+ ... and+feet --- swelling hands and feet ... search=swelling+in+hands+and+feet
Posted: Mar 11 10:00am
I’ve been following a lot of activity of this topic in recent days and weeks and...
(I handed this list to my oncologist ... osteoporosis, weight gain, hair thinning, swelling ... in hands and feet (new shoe size, had
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Posted: Mar 29, 2019
I hear you. I feel your pain. In 2009 -2009 I participated in a 2nd Stage...
Tightening of the muscles of the sole of my feet ... Swelling of hands and feet 21. ... Montoya (Stanford University, CA) as well
Support Group: Infectious Diseases
Posted: Aug 4, 2019
arthritis is simply inflammation in the joint. Cervical arthritis is inflammation in the joints at the...
Rheumatoid arthritis is swelling that ... is suspected with bilateral pain in hands ... and/or feet. ... rheumatoid factor and xrays of the hands ... and/or feet.
Posted: Jun 9 11:39am
Yes, our usual doctors see people most often so are likely to see and know the...
Prednisone on the Mayo Clinic page are "swelling ... of the fingers, hands, feet, or lower ... Pain in the wrists and hands was accepted ... developed metatarsalgia in the balls of my feet
Posted: Jun 24 8:42am
When I saw the ‘55’ in your name, I was hoping it was your birth year....
Typically, I refer them to the place as well ... to stop and lean forward every 100 feet ... It’s amazing how moving my feet or back ... mattress guy said to raise the head and feet ... that is much worse in my dominant hand
Hi, Chiara - I did two rounds of carbo/taxol and have neuropathy in both feet and...
/taxol and have neuropathy in both feet ... it away' but it does manage it well ... I did try icing on my feet and hands ... have numbness at ends of fingers - feet
I have severe axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy mine is autoimmune. What was not explained tome is for...
I have had tremors in my legs and hands ... I dont feel my hands constantly cutting ... My feet are numb but feel nerve pain ... I have horrendous swelling of feet, ... legs and hands.
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jun 23 11:11pm
I have been paralyzed from the knees down for 43 years. It's a rare form of...
years I had no feeling in both of my feet ... than that there was no pain in my feet ... I sit in a recliner and rest my feet ... pushing down on my knees with each hand ... Amazon sells many vibration plates starting
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: 3 days ago
My neuropathy in my feet and ankles is probably very minor compared to others, it was...
My neuropathy in my feet and ankles ... have not tingling or numbness in the feet ... If you can envision putting both hands ... I also have the feeling of swelling
Discussion: 2 Old Goats Lotion
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: 2 days ago
I have been taking atorvastatin for a few years. The started having pains in my feet...
The started having pains in my feet ... It has also started in my arms and hands ... as well.
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jun 8 6:22pm
Does anyone have any ideas for treatment of burning? My 2nd neurologist just diagnosed me with...
I had developed smell/taste disorder ... constipation, hair loss, tingling in hands ... and feet, etc Some of these things ... improved, but the burning in my arms and feet
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jun 16 10:23am
Seems we all may have similar symptoms to varying degrees, and some days are better than...
than in the small fiber nerves of my feet ... fusion at L-4/L-5/S-1 would help." Well ... the limitations this situation has handed
Discussion: Whats my future?
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jun 17 10:42am
emstorm, here is a bit from some Reddit folks that had trouble with Kaiser. Maybe you'll...
fatigue, nausea anytime I was on my feet ... pains down my leg and numbness to my hands ... about it by ordering endless tests or handing ... This happened with primary care as well ... information must stay in the record as well
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: 4 days ago
It’s interesting your doctor prescribed Zetia (Ezetimibe) only. It’s normally used in conjunction with a statin...
indigestion irritability large, hive-like swelling ... face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands ... , legs, feet, or sex organs light-colored ... red spots on the skin puffiness or swelling
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Posted: Jun 8 6:17pm