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153 total results
Comments (148)
Like some others posting here, my husband (82, Diabetes, Cardiovascular issues, …) has had pain walking/standing...
that is affecting compression of the cauda ... equina nerve roots. ... one of the main issues related to cauda ... equina nerves.
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Mar 1 9:32am
I have all that and more. It's all quite common and even neuros don't know what...
and teaching doctors is sciatica, cauda ... equina syndrome, and lumbar disc herniation
Discussion: Will you listen?
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Jan 14 2:35pm
Hello Sheila, and welcome to Connect. Thank you for introducing yourself to the other members of...
brain-and-nerve-diseases/) which is what cauda ... equina would fall under. ... brief discussion that was started on cuada ... equina syndrome a few months back as
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Dec 4, 2016
@ecalderman Your situation sounds very much like mine. You probably don't have the same thing but...
the end of the spinal cord and cause cauda ... equina syndrome.Do you have any of ... the cauda equina symptoms?
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Aug 6, 2019
Hey, if I couldn’t laugh about some of this, I would be truly stark raving mad....
them and get them situated in the Cauda ... Equina area and sit on them until defrosted ... The Cauda Equina area is where all the ... Equina Syndrome. ... As far as the Cauda Equina Syndrome
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Apr 18, 2022