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275 total results
Comments (243)
....oh sorry to read...and wondering if you had any previous ear issues? I have had hyperacusis,...
aids; tinnitus, ear pressure, painful eustachian ... tubes which ent says no tubes because
Jennifer, thank you for the reply. As you can tell from my post, my particular circumstances...
will work to make the swelling in my eustachian ... tubes recede and dry out. ... has been through an experience with eustachian ... tube dysfunction and could give me
Hi. I have had the same problem for 2 years. I just recently recovered. I have...
it an infection in the sinuses or Eustachian ... tubes (ears) then you need an antibiotic
Beka, I've have/had Crohns / Ulcerative Colitis for decades. It all started when I went to...
twice to equalize the pressure, as my Eustachian ... tubes were blocked.
@dkro I am sorry to hear about your frustrations. While I have to put the disclaimer...
least favorite thing to discuss is Eustachian ... tube dysfunction as this is a very ... Eustachian tubes are often the only ... TMJ- this area is very close to the Eustachian ... tube and when one is inflamed or irritated
I woke up one Saturday morning and everything was distorted, like a radio with a blown...
solid waste can build up in ears, eustachian ... tubes and sinus cavities.
Mzmary, my husband has the exact same symptoms as you and has been told the same...
things by his ENT, and also had a tube ... description of what’s happening is Eustachian ... Tube Dysfunction. ...
I am with you..... I have just developed tinnitus lately. I've had hyperacusis since this thing...
He said Eustachian Tube Dysfunction.
PS your ear pain and popping may be due to eustachian tube inflammation. This might respond...
ear pain and popping may be due to eustachian ... tube inflammation.
I never would have imagined that hearing issues would change my whole life! After a plane...
Also Eustachian tube dysfunction for
This sounds very familiar to me. I started having a low hum in my ears. I...
first time I saw ENT he said it was eustachian ... tube dysfunction. ... I talked him into putting a tube in ... to the same ENT doctor and he said eustachian ... tube dysfunction is something family
@bunnybear , it's said I have extensive nerve damage. Started as a child with severe, chronic...
Also eustachian tube disfunction.
Thank you. The second and third doctors I saw, are great physicians, with lots of experience....
But he was dead set on Eustachian Tube
My son is 15, and has had 14 ear surgeries. Ear tubes and infections left him...
Ear tubes and infections left him without ... Basically, his eustacian tubes don'
Hi Milli180--thanks for asking. No explanation from any doctor--the ear, nose, throat specialist believes I have...
the condition and it's called eustachian ... tube dysfunction.
@blossomt, I have had LS for over 10 years so have gone through various products. For...
eyelashes, then another doc who diagnosed Eustachian ... tube disfunction.
@chasmayhear ...I have a similar situation as you. My right ear has muffled hearing with reduced...
I wonder if my Eustachian tube can be
Oh thanks for info. Well most mornings my adult daughter wakes up thinking of a tune...
Add to it Eustachian tube dysfunction ... and ent wont put tubes in cos of my
...simmilar with me although this is year later i never end up in current chat box,...
Also pain of eustachian tube disfunction
Interesting comments and first time I have read of others with "musical ears/hearing." I had read...
also got "flu" and dr. said eustachian ... tube disfunction, i.e. ... echo when talk: ENT wont put in ear tubes ... full night in over 2 years.. put You Tube
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