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403 total results
Comments (381)
I did ViewRay in March at UCLA MRIdian, no SpaceOar or markers . Doing great, no...
ViewRay in March at UCLA MRIdian, no SpaceOar
I haven't noticed that but I guess that's as good a measure as any as to...
measure as any as to how long the SpaceOAR
I had a successful Barrigel. IMHO it is a superior product to SpaceOAR as it has...
IMHO it is a superior product to SpaceOAR ... SpaceOAR where the two components are
web265: I started my MRIdian treatment in January of this year and finished my 5 treatments...
When I had the spaceoar put in, my RO ... Spaceoar was first suggested by the ... He used spaceoar regularly though he ... if they wanted a different type of spaceoar ... and no spaceoar into account.
Currently, it does seem to be the standard to use SpaceOar at most locations… I wish...
does seem to be the standard to use SpaceOar
Correction: According to the SpaceOar website, it appears that it is injected through the perineum and...
Correction: According to the SpaceOar
My RO originally had me scheduled for 28 sessions of VMAT, but changed it to 39...
I did have SpaceOAR. ... friend who did 28 sessions without SpaceOAR
I had spaceoar inserted a week or so before my radiation. That was in December 2022....
I had spaceoar inserted a week or so ... I was knocked out and had a spaceoar
Many thanks for your response. Was curious if you had SpaceOar gel injected and if that...
Was curious if you had SpaceOar gel
rcctiger, thank you for your reply and for looking into who did your SpaceOar. I appreciate...
and for looking into who did your SpaceOar
Bens1, thanks for mentioning the BioProtect spacer. I get it next month for HDR Brachy at...
#39;s relatively new compared with SpaceOar ... spacing it provides compared with SpaceOar
I was given a general to implant the markers and SpaceOar. My RO told me that...
general to implant the markers and SpaceOar
Thank you so much for your information! From the key words "SpaceOAR or Barrigel", more information...
From the key words "SpaceOAR or
Ftd3;i had no issues with spaceoar which was inserted rectally. Your prostate size may be worth...
Ftd3;i had no issues with spaceoar which
Dale1k: Spaceoar gives you an extra 1/2 inch of space between the rectum and the prostate....
Dale1k: Spaceoar gives you an extra ... Sometimes you even have to ask for the Spaceoar
I had SpaceOAR implanted five months ago and it's still there. Whether it's still EFFECTIVE or...
I had SpaceOAR implanted five months ... As you pointed out, the SpaceOar web
Datu: I am going to start a separate discussion but you might want to ask about...
option to rectal spacers other than spaceoar ... provides far greater protection than the spaceoar
Just wish there was a MRIdian facility near me. Closest is in California. So I will...
I am getting SpaceOar.
I had spaceoar inserted a month or so ago without any complications. Their web site,,...
I had spaceoar inserted a month or so ... Their web site, ... Spaceoar also had a technician in the ... risks but I believe the doctor and the Spaceoar
SpaceOar is a one time injection. It slowly released from the body over a 6 month...
SpaceOar is a one time injection. ... biopsy, the markers implantation and SpaceOAR ... anesthesia for marker placement and SpaceOAR
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