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2,266 total results
Comments (2,031)
A fever can be a symptom of a UTI so that should subside with the antibiotics....
A fever can be a symptom of a UTI so
Hello!! I just looked at where those glands are and mine are much lower. I thought...
in antibiotics 3 times in a row for UTI
If this was me, I'd check in with my primary care doc as all of these...
flu-like illness or even an atypical UTI
Thank you for your reply! I’m currently not using an inhaler but I’m still struggling with...
No more uti symptoms currently.
Hi @matthew2001 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! In this community based forum, we’re not medical professionals...
improved since posting, it could be a UTI ... If it is a UTI it’s important to have
@lisalucier Actually I am not 100% sure that I have had a UTI. When I first...
am not 100% sure that I have had a UTI ... the possible causes mentioned was UTIs ... Of course now we know that UTIs were ... generally does not mean you have a UTI
I’m also a recurrent uti female. I’ve had so many im in a situation of developing...
I’m also a recurrent uti female.
After a week of increasing confusion, weakness and a productive cough I managed to get my...
chest x-ray was clear but he has a UTI
@mmoss- Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Things can really change in a minute, can't they? All...
Have you had a recent UTI?
I just bought apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice because I have either a bladder, UTI,...
juice because I have either a bladder, UTI
Hi That's quite a list thanks for sharing. I take tylenol arthritis x 2. I do...
x 3 and d mannose x1 for recurring uti
Glad you got treatment. Do you mind saying how long it’s been? Do you still see...
I haven’t had a UTI in over 5 years.
I went through that recently to the point I was wondering if it was something in...
that it’s helping as I haven’t had a UTI
I started on methenamine in July of 2019 b/c of one UTI after another. Was on...
methenamine in July of 2019 b/c of one UTI
I have having the same thing . The very same thing you are going thru. I...
think the nerves have been damage from UTI
You can buy UTI Test strips for use at home From your pharmacy or Amazon. I...
You can buy UTI Test strips for use ... The symptoms of UTIs that I get nowadays
Hi@gldnrtrvrivr, thank you! Trazodone works for me as far as the insomnia, but I don't like...
I've only had one UTI in my life
I read yesterday about Cystitis Cystica which is a bladder infection that contributes to UTIs. I...
bladder infection that contributes to UTIs ... antibiotics and as soon as I stop it, the UTI
Has anyone here tried D-Mannose? Years ago I had a really bad reaction to an antibiotic...
to an antibiotic prescribed for a UTI ... I still get frequent UTIs, but I just
I did have the symptoms of a UTI after my colon resection but they only lasted...
I did have the symptoms of a UTI after
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