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10,527 total results
Comments (9,453)
I’m a retired nurse and educator. Since your GB is no where near your penis or...
Do you have any issues with your prostate
I was recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, Gleason 4+3=7. Do I need to register to join...
I was recently diagnosed with Prostate
Here's my clinical history... Many things etched into my memory, the call from my urologist saying...
The Prostate Cancer has a pretty good
cold turkey in all pills except Liquis. ( blood thinner to prevent stroke,). Alpha and Beta...
blockers made everything worse
I'm chuckling at the thought that any of us would know enough to answer your question....
based on the theory that you have prostate ... complete pathology report on the whole prostate
I had Gleson 9 confined to prostate. Had 45 bouts of radiation and now on Hormone...
I had Gleson 9 confined to prostate.
What has been your history of PSA results over time? Agree w/ 2d opinion suggestion. Personally,...
(my choice at 72) or radiation of prostate
I’m suspecting that with a PSA of 28 you still have your prostrate? Have you had...
with a PSA of 28 you still have your prostrate
@dstephens20, you might also be interested in this related discussion: - Optilume Balloon Treatment for Prostatic...
- Optilume Balloon Treatment for Prostatic ... discussion/optilume-balloon-treatment-for-prostatic-strictures
How long YOU can live with Gleason 7 (3 + 4) prostate cancer depends on so...
YOU can live with Gleason 7 (3 + 4) prostate ... fitness, pre-existing conditions, PSA, prostate
Q- How high does PSA have to get before I can qualify for one of those...
aggressive cancer that is confined to the prostate
Had bad flare after oral cipro antibiotic was prescribed prior to prostate biopsy.
antibiotic was prescribed prior to prostate
@engrretd, I have to agree with @gratefulbob and that you might wish to ask these questions...
talked about penis shrinkage after prostate
You might be overthinking this? When you thought/knew you had (at least) 3+4=7, you were still...
more advanced cancer cells in the prostate
I had HOLEP surgery in June 2023. My prostate was 106 cc and they took out...
My prostate was 106 cc and they took
@pcasurvivor Can pass on what I was told and recommended to me. Mayo Clinic did a...
did a bone scan upon my diagnosis of prostrate
Dear Sir, I was on Lupron for 2-1/4 years. I was exhausted! My wife and I...
route to slow the deadly effects of prostate
@kenhorse, was the lung tumor at metastasis of the prostate cancer or a new cancer? How...
the lung tumor at metastasis of the prostate
Well, the PSA of 40 may be why they are doing triplet therapy based on what...
you started - ... for-your-patients/nccn-guidelines-for-patients-prostate-cancer-advanced-stage
Thanks for the information. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in April of last year. The...
I had 42 radiation treatments for prostate
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