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552 total results
Comments (500)
It’s so strange. I almost made it to 5 years on AI and then developed tendinitis,...
cortisone at 2 sites on one hand and a brace ... similar pain on the inside of both knees
When I very first started having unrelenting pain, I went to a local podiatrist. I was...
injected and put in a boot then a brace ... Since then, fast forward I’ve had a knee
@don34 Don, I do not think removing hardware or partially removing it will change anything with...
in the last few weeks without the brace ... Knee problems come when you have alignment ... If you get any pain in the knee, talk ... what causes problems that can lead to knee
Hello fellow sleep deprived folks~ What a drauge, eh?! I can relate to all of your...
as well as having arthritis in both knees ... because of a miss marked step....but braced
I started having excruciating right sit bone pain especially when driving for over an hour and...
; sit bone region using an xl back brace ... hour and also make sure to bend my knees
Im 65 years of age. I worked a very physical job heavy lifting on my feet...
I wore an off loader brace (got from ... I also need the other knee done. ... I will be getting the other knee done ... The no pain in my knee joint and getting
It's very frustrating and extremely depressing to know there is no cure or real remedy for...
when he said I have arthritis in my knees ... Racing heart, pulse rate and BP fluctuations
Gordy - The formation of scar tissue can be a problem, and like everything else in...
After one knee repair surgery, I was ... around my ankle to gently pull my knee ... Hang in there - this is a road race,
For me the end game is the 2-1/2 inches if I want to walk without limping....
I also have two knee replacements as ... not the right I can still use the brake
@ga29 I never wore a back brace.. Occasionally I would wear an elastic back binder that...
@ga29 I never wore a back brace.. ... on the floor with my legs below the knees
I should specify that for the knee implant component blood test I didn't have to see...
I should specify that for the knee implant ... metals (not to titanium, yet was told traces
I just turned 50 and am about 25 pounds overweight. I never recovered from my initial...
constant pain, stiffness, fever in knee ... I never got out of brace for 10 straight ... was lucky to find my TKR R-S, but my knee
You have foot drop because of nerve damage. I highly reccomend talking to a physical therapist...
therapist or your doc about the turbomed brace ... nerve damage during my right total knee ... replacement 7wks ago my surgeon ordered this brace
@1956 Right now, I am recovering from an ankle fracture that is called a bimalleolar fracture,...
surgeon wanted her to also wear a custom brace ... She does not like the brace, so she ... alignment isn't right, it stresses the knee ... therapist needs to check and correct foot/knee
Yes l feel your pain with standing & moving your leg, time & self nurturing is...
Wkly massages to brake up scare tissue ... question l seek is a Computer navigatied knee
@jmb73 Thank you for reaching out and That is a very good question. The answer in...
Unlike a joint like knee and elbow you ... injuries we tried to have a special brace
OK... I didn't realize that muscle tension was a sign. I thought I was starting to...
some kind of delayed reaction to my knee ... My saving grace is that I have re-discovered
@faithann64 I'm 69, and I'm experiencing some similar pain issues, with OA in a few areas,...
and torn menisci repair in my right knee ... ligaments and put in a permanent internal brace
Hello @grace1215. I'd like to invite @bill54321, @mhalpin53, @beatlebassbabe, @rubywitch67, @butch24350, and @asegura to this discussion...
Hello @grace1215. ... @grace1215, how bad is your osteoarthritis ... experience with end-stage arthritis in knees
@jenniferhunter thanks for the response! Yes, I had knee surgery yesterday. There was a band of...
Yes, I had knee surgery yesterday. ... the pain meds I have help with the knee ... He suggested an ankle brace and a few ... therapist on Monday that will be doing my knee
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