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10,409 total results
Comments (9,339)
KSusan, Agree with bluegill. I was researching information regarding the Decipher test, regarding my prostate cancer...
regarding the Decipher test, regarding my prostate
Sorry for your condition . . . I received Cyberknife radiation treatment for prostate cancer in...
Cyberknife radiation treatment for prostate
Good evening to some of our most appreciated Connect members. It is wonderful to experience how...
Connect to help my life partner with Prostate
It is always interesting to see the varied post op experiences. I am one year out...
response pass posterior (behind) the prostate
I asked a death doula about dying from prostate cancer. She was very helpful. Her observation...
asked a death doula about dying from prostate ... I am 2.7 years into this stage 4 prostate
Hi Sue, I have just completed a Gemcitabine treatment comprising 6 infusion via the Urethra, This...
I also have had my prostate removed
I begin my regimen of orgovyx tablets tomorrow morning (3/11). The radiation oncologist reviewed much of...
What is a prostate diet?
Thanks for replying, I was diagnosed with stage 3 prostate cancer back in late 2017. PSA...
I was diagnosed with stage 3 prostate
71 year old diagnosed with prostate cancer, G9, 3 years ago. Initial imaging revealed no evidence...
71 year old diagnosed with prostate
Given the small tumor size, a relatively low 3+4 gleason score, and your youthful age, I...
Scholz at the Prostate Cancer Research
Hello Martin this is Steve in Ohio. I have some new news in my journey to...
new news in my journey to solving my prostate ... defensively confirmed I have an enlarged prostate ... used to permanently pull and hold the prostate ... is only recommended for men whose prostate ... a focused jet of steam to kill off prostate
I’ve had my extreme anxiety day prior to diagnosis and my depressed day following the news....
comes after colon cancer (2013) and prostate
I have not read all the comments so my question may have been addressed earlier. Did...
the cancer is contained within the prostate
Yes I can. Had prostrate removed 12/15/22. Psa 1.8 then 2.3 by march23. Dr put me...
Had prostrate removed 12/15/22.
I was 48 when I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. I was Gleason grade 7 (3+4)....
I was 48 when I was diagnosed with Prostate
I have stage IV prostate cancer which has metastasized throughout my bones and lymph nodes. I...
I have stage IV prostate cancer which
"When you were first diagnosed, where did they find the cancer? Had It spread outside the...
Had It spread outside the prostate at ... are worried about spread outside the prostate ... caused by something growing outside the prostate ... scan shows no cancer outside of the prostate
"First off, my sympathies. The combination therapy is a bit of a barrage to the prostate....
therapy is a bit of a barrage to the prostate ... Ibuprofen has helped with the prostate
Hi @colleenyoung - Just peaked at my earlier post and noticed that I misstated my Gleason...
work for me given family history of prostate
As noted by otheers , purchase Dr. Patrick Walsh's book " Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer...
#39;s book " Guide to Surviving Prostate
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