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10,407 total results
Comments (9,338)
Good Afternoon @brayimee, I am so sorry that your chosen clinicians have appeared to be inattentive....
partner who has gone through some dicey prostate
Hi @amilacek67. As we members of Mayo Connect have come to expect, @colleenyoung has homed-in on...
urinating problem be caused by an enlarged prostate ... to remove a golf-ball-size pile of prostate ... urethra so the only tissue cut was prostate ... His prostate had blocked the urine from ... that surgery was needed to fix his prostate
Hi @amilacek67, I can understand your apprehension and questioning whether more should be done. I'm tagging...
Does your father have any prostate issues ... like an enlarged prostate, also known ... as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH ... Was the prostate examined by digital
Hello @brownhome1, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @horace1818. Here's some...
;After the surgical removal of the prostate ... | Prostate Cancer Foundation: https: ... // ... diagnosis-staging-prostate-cancer/psa-rising
New Prostate Cancer Patient. Had my Prostatectomy 3/3/20. On 4/20/20 my PSA was 0.068. Today 7/23/20...
New Prostate Cancer Patient.
Yes, doing well. I had 5 weeks of treatment and they were painless. The prep before...
insert some small carbon balls in the prostrate
I am considering Proton Beam Therapy for my prostate cancer. It sounds as if it is...
considering Proton Beam Therapy for my prostate ... Medicare covering proton therapy for prostate
I am a male who had prostate surgery in October 2011 and radiation due to very...
I am a male who had prostate surgery ... and radiation due to very aggressive Prostate
Well, will be traveling to Mayo over the Labor Day weekend, 2,200 miles one way, and...
and implanting the markers into the prostate
@dmadi61 Thanks for your response. Hopefully my hasn't spread (the MD's feel it is contained to...
's feel it is contained to the prostate
i thought i was a candidate for this surgery last year, before i was diagnosed. turp...
diagnosed. turp surgery is for an enlarged prostate
I am so sorry, @zap57. I, too, am doctoring at Mayo Rochester. It seems with prostate...
It seems with prostate cancer that there
Hello @numnuts, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I see that you also posted the same question...
the same question in the Stage3b Prostrate ... Initial Treatment of Prostate Cancer ... Stage:
I would think that trying something other than pills for depression is a good idea. My...
his mental health, having survived prostate
Michael T. I’m 72 and just finished IMRT radiation and hormone therapy (Zoladex). Gleason score was...
cancer has not spread outside the prostrate ... confirmed cancer was contained in the prostrate
Similar scores, though my age is 73. That said, I opted for IMRT radiation in combination...
the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate ... the cancer has spread outside the prostate ... areas by cancer cells adjacent to your prostate ... you visit the online site for the Prostate
I add my welcome @gcoley. You'll notice that I moved your message to an existing discussion...
PSA level does not always mean that prostate
Hello @gcoley, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I can understand your concern and concern can be...
Prostrate Cancer Foundation: https: ... // ... what-is-prostate-cancer/the-psa-test ... Following PSA Levels During and After Prostate ... Treatment:
@lisalucier, @nolano, Good afternoon, I am jumping in here to crash this party. I am a...
I am a caregiver for a prostate cancer ... had Lupron in 2016 before radical prostate
Colleen, what is the publication date of the Mayo book on prostate cancer health. Amazon has...
publication date of the Mayo book on prostate
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