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787 total results
Ok. Thank you. I guess I'm still confused with peripheral neuropathies and if it has anything...
#39;m still confused with peripheral neuropathies ... doctors think I may have which is an autonomic ... I was not aware that peripheral neuropathies ... were tied into autonomic nervous system ... may know a lot more than me about autonomic
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Sep 24, 2021
Good morning John, and thank you for your response. I am not currently on any meds...
that I do have some mild peripheral neuropathy ... , but mostly autonomic. ... also don't know the cause of my neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 14, 2021
@revisl- I had Moderna too. That was one tough second dose! It's not true that scientists...
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy vary ... type of nerves – motor, sensory, or autonomic ... Autonomic nerves control organs to regulate
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 11, 2021