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4,646 total results
Recovery from LAD stent
after I take the Plavix and now my chest ... feels tight as I move more.
Daily random shocks throughout body
everywhere on their bodies, mostly on their chest ... They also both also get light headed ... really pushing themselves when they get light
Unknown condition/ heart palpations
like I was having a heart attack one night ... that sort of feels like pressure, chest
Coughing up bloody phlegm
I was able to get a chest CT which came ... always a little sore and I have been fighting
Anxiety/ Heart palpitations
felt like someone punched me in the chest ... Right now I am only taking 10x Heatlh
I certainly would not mind sharing my COPD journey....I was diagnosed in 2015 after a bout...
I had to have the following - CT Chest ... with blood gases, 6-minute walk test, Right
If your doctor doesn’t recommend saline, he or she is not a bronchiectasis expert. To advocate...
To advocate for yourself, you might ... They have tightness in their chest. ... s available in your community, you might ... available in your community now, there might ... However, in the meantime, you might
Thank you, sglaza. Oh, I see about the the 3 rounds only. The first round for...
mosquito bites all over my shoulders, chest ... But the oncologist says I still might ... immunotherapy for a year because it just might
@donnapeck51, as @californiazebra mentioned there are merkel cell discussions you might like to join. Here is...
there are merkel cell discussions you might ... Merkel cell-radiation effective on chest-new ... merkel-cell-radiation-effective-on-chest-new
@scoop Thank you for the detailed information. I have only read about postural drainage. My routine...
My routine might not follow the exact ... each day, there is a heaviness in my chest