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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
4,650 total results
I am 54 yrs old. Diagnosed with thoracic aneurysm. In 8 mos it grew from 4.3...
know which is worse, the bomb in my chest ... or the stroke i might have diring surgery
Support Group: Aortic Aneurysms
Posted: Jan 30, 2016
Hello Punkin & Von, I just read your post Von, and I wish you well, in...
Palpitations SOB (shortness of breath) Chest ... , panic, or hormonal issues, I was right ... my heart…didn’t really want to be right
I also have been diagnosed with Mitral Valve Regurgitation/Mitral Valve Prolapse (2011), with a recent left...
medication, which no longer works (right ... burn for 4-5 hours at a time with chest ... pressure likened to that of 200 lbs on my chest ... , so right now I remain on the one that ... not a car problem…you ARE worth the fight
I have been treated for Mac since 2010. Been on medication since with progressing side effects...
Do any of you have chest pain or discomfort ... am off of it I am experiencing the tightness ... and pressure in the chest area.