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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
4,687 total results
Yes I use lavender oil diluted with olive oil on the bottoms of my feet and...
on the bottoms of my feet and on my chest ... before getting into bed at night.
Hi, I am astounded to have come across this discussion. I TOO have been having this...
months ago it got 10× worse almost over night ... There is this heaviness in my chest, ... X-ray and chest CTA, normal. ... It gave me terrible chest pain so I
Hi Jeanette, I saw your post from 2018. I know it's been a couple years, but...
have no symptoms except for maybe a tight ... chest on exertion, which I attributed
@jerrykdb- Welcome to Mayo Connect. This has to be very scary for you. When your heart...
increased need to urinate during the night ... fluid around your lungs and in your chest
@felicityr I would like to offer some observations in my own experience and things that are...
My pattern of fascial tightness is from ... was getting a repeating pattern of chest ... Stress can cause more tightness in these ... a lot of progress, and I think my chest ... instead of staying where they belong and tight