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371 total results
@artscaping @pfbacon @qball2019 MFR has helped me a lot. I have thoracic outlet syndrome which causes...
syndrome which causes one side of my neck ... and chest to be tighter. ... breathing problems where one side of my chest ... can feel individual muscles in my neck ... I have less nerve pain in my arms that
@bkruppa I can tell you that my pain from fascial tightness fluctuated and it sometimes depended...
@bkruppa I can tell you that my pain ... from fascial tightness fluctuated and ... fear increase tissue tightness and pain ... that I can feel the tightness pull from ... my neck and chest through my hips and
@merpreb This is good information and the Mayo link covers a lot of breathing issues. I...
TOS, has caused sudden painful muscle ... spasms into my chest wall from nerve ... of the vital nerves are traveling from ... the spine in the neck into the chest ... myofascial-release-therapy-mfr-for-treating-compression-and-pain
@wawryk01 I am a Mayo spine surgery patient, and the symptoms you described can possibly be...
in the neck. ... of nerves and blood vessels passing from ... the neck through the chest to the arm ... TOS also affects the chest and makes ... My left side is tight from my neck to
Mary, I'm happy to tell you what I know. My diagnosis was finally confirmed through a...
pain again. ... pain again. ... They also did a heart cath through my neck ... enough that they were able to remove me from ... But a few weeks ago, had the bad chest