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171 total results
Hi Jim @thankful - I think that's a good suggestion for finding a local medical supply...
local medical supply store that has a CPAP ... The CPAP Comfort Cover is only for some ... I've had some really good AHI numbers
@johnhans my sleep medicine doctor wants my AHI number to be under 4 also. I've been...
sleep medicine doctor wants my AHI number ... I've been using my CPAP for going
Hello @larkspur725, With all of my previous masks I had the CPAP nose - big sore...
all of my previous masks I had the CPAP ... said she wipes hers every day with a CPAP ... faithfully wiped mine with a non alcohol CPAP ... about 3 weeks and I noticed my AHI number ... I had purchased a CPAP full face mask
Hi Jane @macjane, what type of mask are you using now? I had tried the Dreamware...
Fisher-Paykel full face mask that did a number ... ve found that I can clean it with a CPAP ... morning and then put it in my SoClean CPAP
@johnhans -- Thanks for the tip about side sleepers should have the face partially off of...
slept good last night but the AHI number ... I may look at getting a CPAP pillow