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2,265 total results
Hello, Up until about three months ago I was taking Cymbalta for nerve pain from Cervical...
ago I was taking Cymbalta for nerve pain ... twice a day which also helps nerve pain ... surgery i was taking Norco which is a opiod ... Another pain management doctor started
I read: Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) has increased in popularity as a non-opioid medication that may decrease...
has increased in popularity as a non-opioid ... medication that may decrease chronic pain ... treat fibromyalgia, complex regional pain ... syndrome (CRPS), and painful diabetic ... was usable since it was for treating opioid
I bumped off of the harsh pain meds. But yes Gabapentin helps and Lyrica, that's after...
I bumped off of the harsh pain meds. ... I feel so good not relying on opioids ... No Pain. I used to be bed ridden.
I'll share one more thing. Last Thursday I got some shots. It felt so good that...
It was through my pain mgmt doc. ... ." I didn't ask him about opioids ... Pain vs pills and what the end looks ... some point we have to live with the pain ... And finding a middle ground between pain
Note that some doctors do not want to become involved with the FDA & CDC opioid...
become involved with the FDA & CDC opioid ... paperwork if they prescribe these meds for pain