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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
3,405 total results
Thanks, Chris. This is all helpful information. I have a lot of numbness in my feet,...
sometimes won't work because my hands/fingers ... I miss the hands and fingers since I ... It does surprise me tho when my fingers ... strange, isn't it, that ice is so painful ... blessings and may your evening be lovely, pain
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jun 11, 2021
@snacker1206 It’s my pleasure to be of help to you. This is the beauty of our...
have another BMB coming up in July so finger ... gutted for you with the sciatic nerve pain
Posted: Jun 9, 2021
Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I am not confirmed diagnosed yet, but...
randomly bursting blood vessels in my fingers ... the muscle and joint stiffness and pain ... The pain in my hips and back wakes me