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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
554 total results
Recently, I’ve been thinking about finding a home care advocate for my wife. Such a person...
I can, perhaps, trace behavioral changes ... ’m too restrictive--if I’ve become knee-jerk
Dear Bloncape: I'm glad that I'm still around (and you are, too) to laugh at the...
remember: I was in a wheelchair from my knee ... I now have to brace my left leg to walk
The back and muscular pain you mention on Anastrozole is what the A.I. pills will do...
MRIs were routinely done on my left knee ... and X-rays were taken of my hips and knees ... I suffered a blown-out knee and was ... I still cannot walk well without bracing ... my damaged left knee.
Thank you for your response. I will try elastic knee braces, it kind of makes sense...
I will try elastic knee braces, it kind ... the times I will grab a hold of my knee
I have restless leg. I also have bad knees. I noticed that when I put on...
I also have bad knees. ... noticed that when I put on my (elastic) knee ... braces, the restless leg either stops