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110 total results
As @erikas. said, I've commented in the past, because I tried to cut back on my...
long enough to have noticed other side ... effects. ... consistently, and my psychiatrist added Mirtazapine
Support Group: Depression & Anxiety
Posted: Apr 9, 2021
I was prescribed 45 mg Mirtazapine for 2 years. It did allow me to sleep, although...
I was prescribed 45 mg Mirtazapine for ... is not a “cake walk” coming off of Mirtazapine ... That is a side effect of vraylar. ... vraylar, which causes insomnia as a side ... effect and is something I am already
Support Group: Sleep Health
Posted: Jun 3, 2023
Last November I did a cold turkey of .05 Ativan after about 7 months. I knew...
I had some unpleasant side effects but ... me to sleep to try and minimize the side ... effects from it. ... sedating for me along with the other side ... effects I had from it.
Folfirinox for an 80-year old sounds rather harsh (borderline crazy) in my book. I was the...
age 84, but his immunotherapy and side ... effects (immediate and lingering) sent ... including UTI's which can really affect ... cancer) had better luck with Remeron (mirtazapine
Support Group: Pancreatic Cancer
Posted: May 6 12:18am