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33 total results
I got shingles 6 weeks after my 2nd Moderna shot. **This is info only, have not...
diagnose because it was everywhere my Brachial-Plexus ... Peripheral Neuropathy is affecting) ... worked (I usually use Tylenol for Neuropothy
My Covid/Neuropothy experience I have brachial plexus Neuropothy due to radiation on my left side. It’s...
My Covid/Neuropothy experience
I have ... brachial plexus Neuropothy due to radiation ... had to be something with the vaccine/Neuropothy ... diagnosed by GP), all over the area my Neuropothy ... My neuropathy kept acting up.
Brachial Plexus Neuropothy, synonym for this discussion. Mine started with tightness under my Left Shoulder, then...
Brachial Plexus Neuropothy, synonym
@ckmerc have any of your doctors mentioned the possibility of thoracic outlet syndrome? The symptoms your...
MRI of the shoulder that shows the brachial ... plexus. ... of Myofascial Relaese Therapy:
I was still in active treatment so it bounced between my oncologist - ordering the brain/spine...
positive for nerve activity on the brachial ... plexus I went to a neurologist. ... experimental for radiation induced BP neuropathy