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2,203 total results
@solobeee, @jrayk,@johnbishop, @mashm888 etc Hello, fellow feet/leg/hands, pain/numbness folks.....Interesting conversation you've got going. @solobeee , are...
other stuff...Requip for RLS, severe apnea ... so I use a b-pap for sleep.
I have MCTD and there are times when I am not all there. Coping skills, like...
Consider a sleep study to see if you ... have apnea, which affects deep sleep
I am 79 with nightly Hypnic h’aches and treated for apnea by Cpap. Have had h’aches...
nightly Hypnic h’aches and treated for apnea ... Hard to get back to sleep then.
@woogie Those dreams are pretty unsettling. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm completely asleep. It's acceptable...
#39;m not sure if I'm completely asleep ... I can't sleep well in my recliner ... health consequences of that level of apnea
@victorkach- Great story! CPAP use especially initially is a battle! I've also said that finding the...
especially for those who have had a sleep ... ramications of continuing on with apnea ... you experience that high level of sleep