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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
892 total results
@candrgonzalez I have been where you are now with leg weakness caused by cervical stenosis. I...
paraestheisa pain that sent stabbing electric ... shocks into my hand and fingers, and ... , I could bend my neck and send an electric ... shock down my body because of spinal
This is my 3rd time "withdrawing" from an SNRI I have been on Pristiq 2 times...
It's like electric shocks shooting from
It has been a 4 year journey filled with troubleshooting and misfires before landing on my...
feeling sunburned, pins and needles, electric ... shocks in my head and face, sharp unexpected
@nesswell14 Hello Kyle. First let me say good for you for advocating for yourself. When you...
When you stimulate a nerve with an electrical ... painful test involving needles and electric ... shocks was the same trigger that had
You are so right about going off Cymbalta. My experience is way too long of a...
effects when taken for years I was shocked ... missing a dose gives you what I call electrical ... shocks in your brain!