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492 total results
I've been on HU since April 2021. The first year on HU I had gut side...
The first year on HU I had gut side ... Finally after a year, the gut side effects ... I still have bone pain in shins and ... toes at night, but Dr said not a symptom ... have pain, but the pain seemed to start
Posted: Mar 19, 2023
(7 years ago) My husband noticed my shaking right hand at the end of the day,...
ago) My husband noticed my shaking right ... hand, less swinging of my right arm ... walking, a bit of a gait issue on my right ... The cramping pain turns out to be food ... gut bacteria in my large intestine
Good advice from the other folks! It's really sweet that you are undertaking this search on...
Very gentle massage might help, too. ... Might help with gas, if that's what ... is causing some of the pain. ... swear by chamomille tea for upset guts ... black); yellowing of eyes or skin; pain
Support Group: Just Want to Talk
Posted: Apr 19, 2023
Hi everyone, I am just providing a new update. I currently have a lot of anxiety...
at times and it is also giving me a gut ... Now the right hand side around the base ... the day and night) in my traps, shoulders ... S1, slight increased activity at right ... • Right C4/5, left C5/6 and right
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Dec 30, 2022
Hi @robinholly and @vonpinnon. How frustrating this all is, especially for a 12 year old. I...
CSS) and was treated at Mayo's Pain ... like nerve, muscle, joint and bone pain ... sensory issues, tremors, vibrations, gut ... experiences hypersensitivity and goes into fight