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2,199 total results
Hi Jenna, I also have this condition. I have had them since I was in my...
have them in my scalp, my thighs, my hands ... pressing on a nerve which made his hands ... go numb.
@coloncasurvivoran I was diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. There's some debate from neurologists I've seen that...
I do have numbness and tingling once ... in awhile in my hands, something I ... My right hand also cramps sometimes,
@allisonsnow Hi! I also hot my PN from chemo. I had 12 rounds of 2 kinds...
now and its much better but still numb ... and tingly from knees down and hands ... pain but have had some stinging in my hands
On May 6th, 2015, I woke up just before 3 AM with the worst headache I...
enough, the left side is medically "numb ... water is, I have to hold my right hand ... to a running faucet with my left hand
Hi @johnbishop, Thanks so much for this update. Knowledge is powerful. I wanted to let you...
topical that actually does eliminate the numbness ... and needle pain in my hands and arms