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576 total results
Treatment options that have worked for Small Fiber Neuropathy
options that have worked for Small Fiber Neuropathy ... I am a new member to the Neuropathy ... worked for others to reduce their neuropathy ... had some pain relief from Lyrica + Cymbalta
Complications with Peripheral Neuropathy
Complications with Peripheral Neuropathy ... Lyrica, Baclofen (3X's day) ,
Cymbalta ... The neuropathy is now in both feet,
Cervical myelopathy mistaken for neuropathy
Cervical myelopathy mistaken for neuropathy ... been told for almost 10 years I have neuropathy ... in gabapentin and the addition of cymbalta ... I was resigned to the fact I had neuropathy ... I don’t have neuropathy.
Neuropathy suddenly got worse. Not sure what to do.
Neuropathy suddenly got worse. ... I’ve had neuropathy in my feet for years ... , he tested me, and he said I have neuropathy.About ... Cymbalta, Lyrica, etc. ... unrelated matter and mentioned my neuropathy
Have you tried DRG dorsal root ganglion therapy for PN?
I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy ... Now on Cymbalta long term but don'
@susieqintx I've been living with major depression, anxiety and PTSD for more than 20 years, being...
A few months ago, I was prescribed Cymbalta ... for neuropathy pain, and it helped
As @erikas. said, I've commented in the past, because I tried to cut back on my...
I recently started Cymbalta for neuropathy
I'm 89yo, wth similar symptoms as yours. Mine are still developing since post moderna vax 1,...
ago, a friend told me she started Cymbalta ... for neuropathy, which helped her after
@lorirenee1 I know from my own experience with the scs how difficult (my phone suggested "distressing")...
tid to 30mg bid, and started taking Cymbalta ... for neuropathy. ... And Cymbalta has lifted my energy level ... With the addition of Cymbalta, I think
I have idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy. It started about 2 years ago, pain on bottomes of feet....
I have idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy ... Gabapenton didn't work, Cymbalta