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147 total results
Does this prior pain affect your rectal, and genital area? As I was told I have...
As I was told I have pudendal nueralgia ... with possible entrapment of the pudendal ... nerve injections I did have to the pudendal
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Oct 24, 2021
Hi, I'm afraid to start any ssri drug, what drug is this, and what reaction do...
...this is not rare...look up the Pudendal ... Nueralgia Support many ... urogynecologists the only doctors who know of pudendal
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Sep 26, 2021
I have an appointment with UCSD's Woman's Health, Dr. Charles Nagar, Oct. 19th, seeing a Nuerosurgeon...
ligaments, and about entrapment of the pudendal ... I have been diagnosed with Pudendal ... You should read the Pudendal Nueralgia
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Sep 25, 2021
I don't think I have pudendal nerve neuralgia. I have been told that I suffered damage...
I don't think I have pudendal nerve ... neuralgia. ... told that I suffered damage to my pudendal ... In reading articles about the pudendal ... Maybe one was pressing on the pudendal
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: May 22, 2022