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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
945 total results
Hello, make sure you take the R Alpha Lipoic Acid, without the R it is useless....
Hello, make sure you take the R Alpha ... Lipoic Acid, without the R it is useless
I had a disastrous experience with Gabapentin. It was effective initially, but the dose was consistently...
Benfotiamine, taken in conjunction with Alpha ... Lipoic Acid has helped tremendously
Nerve pain. It helps me quite a bit. I haven’t had an EMG yet so not...
and a compounded topical and then alpha ... lipoic acid eliminated it.
I'm 75 and on hormone therapy for prostate cancer. I've also had back surgery because the...
- 75 mg capsules a day), 1,200 mg Alpha ... Lipoic Acid and 10,000mg B-12.
@roslyn2314 I have idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. My neurologist said there really is no cure for...
They did support me taking alpha Lipoic ... acid and Acetyl l carnitine supplements